Submit Referral to School Counsellor

Counselling Services at Fuchun Primary School

The School Counsellor works with students to support their mental health, and to discuss issues and concerns that they may be facing. She provides students with a safe and positive space for them to do so, and there are a few ways that students may reach out to her.

How can students reach out to school counsellor

Through Online Self-Referral

Fuchunians may click HERE to submit an online self-referral to the School Counsellor.

Through Self-Referral Box

Fuchunians may drop in their request into this physical box labelled "For the School Counsellor", which is located directly opposite the entrance to the school canteen.

Through Form Teachers or Direct

Fuchunians may request to link up with the School Counsellor through their Form Teachers, or approach her directly during the morning assembly or recess time.

How can parents/guardians contact the school counsellor

Parents/Guardians may contact their child/ward's Form Teachers to request a referral to the School Counsellor if required.

We thank you for your continued and valuable support.