Student Leadership

Our Belief: A Concerned Leader in Every Fuchunian

The school believes that every student has the potential to be a leader as his or her thoughts, words, and actions can have a positive influence on self and others. 

FCPS Student Leadership Framework

The school has developed a four-tiered student leadership framework which aims to develop our students into leaders with the competencies to meet the challenges of the 21st century. 

Our approach to leadership development is guided by the following key principles:

Tier 1 – Personal Leadership

Tier 2 - Class Leadership (Class Committee)

Tier 3 – School Level Leadership (Prefects & CCA Leaders) 

Tier 4 – School Level Mentorship (Prefect Mentors, Head and Vice-Head Prefects, Prefects Managers and CCA Chairperson & CCA EXCO)

Other than the provision of training workshops and opportunities to apply their learning, the FCPS Student Leadership Programme also aims to promote student agency and voice among the student leaders so that they can exert greater positive influence among their peers and the rest of the student cohorts.

Student Leaders Investiture 2023

The Student Leaders’ Investiture was held to recognise and affirm the efforts of our student leaders, and formally introduced them to the school community.  Our newly appointed Head Prefect and CCA Chairperson gave their inspiring speeches and led the students in reciting the Student Leaders’ Pledge. 

The Leadership Challenge 2023

In line with MOE’s strategic thrust on values-driven, holistic student development and our mission to develop a community of future-ready learners, the school has adopted the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner to develop the leadership skills of our student leaders. Through the provision of training workshops and opportunities for the student leaders to apply their learning, the FCP Student Leadership Programme aims to promote student agency and voice among the student leaders so that they can exert greater positive influence among their peers and the rest of the student cohorts. 

Student Leaders' Meetings 2023

To promote student agency and voice among the student leaders, Student Leaders' meetings & inductions are conducted by the Student Leaders EXCO team. During the sessions, student leaders are briefed on the expectations of a Fuchun Student Leader, their assigned duties & are given feedback on their progress as a student leader. They also bonded with one another, discussed and planned projects and tasks assigned. 

Class Committee Leaders' Trainings 2023

In FCPS, students get to experience leadership in the class committee as leaders in the different subject areas. To better prepare them for their roles and responsibilities, face-to-face / online training sessions are conducted for them. The training session for the Class Monitors aims to equip them with leadership skills and knowledge through games, teachers' demonstration and scenario-based discussions. 

Teachers' Day Celebration 2023

The theme for Teachers’ Day this year is ‘Our Memories, Our Dreams – Thank You Cher!’. The theme is about appreciating the important role teachers play in our lives. It's about remembering the good times and lessons from school, and how teachers inspire us to chase our dreams. By saying "Thank you Cher," we show gratitude for their influence on our past and our hopes for the future. 

The P5 & P6 Student Leaders planned the Teachers’ Day Celebration this year and solely executed the Teachers' Day Concert, which garnered many positive feedback from both teachers and students.

The celebration saw the continuation of the Superhero - Super G to advocate the importance of gratitude and teach Fuchunians how they can show their gratitude & appreciation to their teachers. The Class Monitors presented each teacher with a bouquet of flowers filled with messages from the students. 

Kindergarten Schools' Visit to FCP 2023

Our P4 & P5 Student Leaders were given an opportunity and the task to introduce our school to students from the various kindergartens. 

To give the students a better experience of how it will be like to be learning in FCP, the student leaders also brought the students on a trail around the school to show them the various areas & school facilities as well as to observe some lessons in the classrooms. 

Student Leaders Values-In-Action (VIA)

In line with MOE's aim to nurture socially responsible citizens who contribute meaningfully to the community, our school provided a platform for our student leaders to reach out to our community. 

Our P4 student leaders created some simple game set-ups and hosted a mini game carnival at Orange Valley Home for the elderly. Our student leaders gained valuable experience of interacting and communicating with the elderly. 

P3 Trainee Prefect Induction & Training

P3 Trainee Prefects are nominated in the second half of the year and the induction briefing is conducted for them by the Prefect EXCO.

During the session, the Prefect Managers engage them in various role-plays to simulate the possible scenarios which they may encounter as they perform duties as a Trainee Prefect. Through these as well as the guidance of the senior Prefect Managers, they understand better how to manage the situation and are better prepared for their roles & duties.

Student Safety Leadership in FCP

To build a safety culture in FCP and to imbue a safety mindset in the Student Leaders to influence their peers to do likewise, the Student Safety Leadership Programme was conducted. During the session, they are introduced to the “LOOK.THINK.DO” concept, i.e., a simple basic mental risk assessment skill. With that, they went around the school premises to identify possible hazard spots and give recommendations to rectify them. 

FCPS Cheer

To promote and strengthen students’ affiliation, the P6 (2021) Student Leaders were tasked to work together to create a school cheer that is uniquely Fuchun. Hence, they came up with the FCPS Cheer which encompasses the school spirit in all Fuchunians – Never backing down from challenges and we do our best!