Health Promotion Board (HPB)

Health Promotion Board encourages schools to establish a culture that promotes healthy living. To assist in creating a supportive environment within our school, HPB has a variety of programmes that help our students learn about nutrition, physical activity, substance abuse and mental health. 

Healthy Meals in Schools Programme (HMSP)

The Healthy Meals in Schools Programme (HMSP) encourages healthier food and beverage choices in schools.

In-School Programmes By HPB

The following are HPB programmes which we have planned for our students in 2024.

HPB Resources for Parents

Parents’ Newsletters (Editions 1, 2 & 3)

Edition 1: Sharing of HPB programmes for students in schools, and how parents can continue building healthy habits at home for their children. The first edition (in the series of 3) addresses the following questions:


Edition 2: What parents can do to help their children through big transitions like transition to Primary or Secondary School.


Health 365 How-to Register Guide by HPB

How-to Register Guide H365 (Public Events)

How-to Register Guide H365 (Public Events).pdf