Physical Ed,
Art & Music (PAM) Dept

Physical education (PE)

Our Vision

Every Fuchunian, an Active and Healthy Learner

Our Mission

To nurture our students into confident learners with a passion for life-long active and healthy living.

Our Approach

We believe that PE should be holistic and social in nature. Our PE curriculum aims to empower students to demonstrate individually and with others, the physical skills, practices and values to enjoy a lifetime of active and healthy living.

Our Programmes

(i) Strengthen

The PE curriculum provides opportunities for students to acquire a range of movement skills to participate in a variety of physical activities. These age-appropriate skills are taught progressively during PE lessons and other school programmes. Students are also taught to understand and apply movement concepts, principles and strategies in the physical activities that they engage in recreationally and competitively.

A highlight of every primary five student is the P5 Camp. Students experience an outdoor adventure experience that takes them outside of their comfort zone and challenges them to learn more about themselves and others.

The annual Fuchun Play Day, our school’s sports day, challenges students to compete with their peers in team sports while stressing the importance of sportsmanship. 'Winning with Humility and Losing with Grace', is the tagline for our yearly event.

A holistic PE curriculum would not be complete without the inculcation of active and healthy habits and practices in the students. On top of teaching such topics during PE lessons, the department also organizes Fuchun Health Week to reinforce their learning through fun and challenging activities like rope skipping, cup stacking, healthy eating challenge and health quizzes.

The PE department also works collaboratively with the other departments in the school to provide students with a learning environment that promotes real-life application and the integration between subjects that they study in school. One such collaboration is the Home Skills programme offered by the Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) department wherein the concepts of good nutrition are incorporated.

Weaved into the objectives of all the school’s PE programmes are the five core values of Passion for Learning, Integrity, Empathy, Respect and Resilience. We believe strongly in the opportunities accorded to the development of sound values during the teaching of PE that will guide our students both in school and for the rest of their lives.

(ii) Support

The PE department works closely with a Student Health Advisor (SHA), seconded to the school from the Ministry of Health (MOH), to provide support for students in matters of health and weight management. One of the programmes in which the school works closely with the SHA is the Fun & Fit Programme targeted at selected students and groups to teach them about wellness management through challenge tasks and activities.

(iii) Stretch

In line with the PE curriculum of empowering students to participate in physical activities at different levels from casual to competitive, the school offers four sports as Co-curricular Activities (CCA) to further develop students with the interest and potential to excel in them. They are Badminton, Basketball and Football.

To enrich students’ learning experiences in Fuchun, the school also organizes Sports Education Programmes (SEP) that provide exposure to physical activities that are not offered as a CCA in the school. It is with the hope that participants will pick up the necessary skills to engage in these activities in their leisure or be interested to engage more competitively in such sports. Some of the vendor-run sports that we offer are Inline Skating and Bowling.

Art & Music

Welcome to the Fuchun Aesthetics Experience – comprising of performing and visual arts. Our students are not simply “exposed” to various art forms (music, dance and visual arts), but are taught to critically appreciate the arts and create art forms expressive of life through feeling, the senses and the imagination.

Our Vision

Every Fuchunian, an aesthetically responsive life-long learner

Our Mission

To develop students to become cultural citizens of the arts who display the ability to "aesthetically respond" (critically appreciating the arts and freely creating art forms expressive of life through feeling, the senses and the imagination) and speak the language of the arts.

Our Approach

We adopt a 4A approach in teaching and learning of the Arts – Awareness, Acquisition, Appreciation and Accomplishment.

Our Programmes

The Aesthetics Department makes use of the SKIP framework to guide our students in learning and experiencing Music and Art in our curriculum. This ensures that there is a structured learning process to support our students’ learning.

Music Education

Music Education in Fuchun Primary comprises of both music creation and music performance. Equipped with the essential skills for Music, students are then able to explore, create and perform music individually and in ensembles. Music Experience Programme (MEP) is integrated into our curriculum where every student has the opportunity to experience both instrumental and digital music-making processes as well as ‘live’ performance opportunities. Students are also taught to recognize the value of music and sounds in their everyday life, thus making valuable connections between the music lessons in school and their daily lives, impacting their understanding of the diversity of cultures in Singapore.

Art Education

Art Education in Fuchun Primary comprises both art-making and art discussion. Equipped with the essential senses for Art, students will be able to observe, make meaning, explore and communicate their ideas. Students will also be able to recognise the value and influence of Art to create and reflect cultures; how Art impacts the daily life as well as the interdependence of Art with the broader worlds of ideas and action.

Art Experience Programme (AEP) is integrated into our curriculum where every student has the opportunity to be exposed to new media arts such as Photography and Digital Art. This allows students to reflect and compare between traditional and new media.

Students are also encouraged to participate in international and national art competitions as well as exhibitions such as Singapore Youth Festival Art Exhibition. They also have opportunities every Semester for their art pieces to be displayed at the school’s Art Trail.

Programme for Active Learning (PAL)

Our Vision

Every Fuchunian, a cooperative and sociable learner.

Our Mission

To develop students' social and emotional competencies, enabling them to work cooperatively with others. 

Our Approach

We believe through learning experiences that are active, hands-on and meaningful, students can learn soft skills and morals that will pave their path forward in building good relationships with others. Our students goes through fun and varied activities in two broad areas:

PAL contributes to the development of soft skills in our pupils such as the ability to communicate clearly and cooperate with others, and having a lively curiosity about the world they live in and a belief in their ability to accomplish a task or deal with a challenge. PAL broadens the learning experiences of our children and opens up our students' access to and positively influences their future experiences. By building these soft skills early, it helps facilitate the transition of our P1 & 2 students into the primary school environment. 

PAL engages pupils through their heads, hearts and hands. They are designed with the five characteristics in mind:

Building friendship and LEGO at the same time!

Opportunities to be creative together!

Let's try... does it sound alright?

Thinking hard to create a percussion with buddy...