Mathematics Dept

Our Vision

Every Fuchunian, a Joyful Problem-Solver

Our Mission

To nurture students into confident learners who are equipped with problem-solving skills for real-life applications in the increasingly complex world

Our Approach

We believe that building confidence and fostering interest in our students to learn Mathematics will lay the groundwork for them as they learn the concepts and skills progressively. Our students are exposed to a variety of learning experiences such as hands-on activities as well as the use of technological tools to understand concepts through visualisations and simulations. During the experiences, opportunities are also provided for them to engage in reasoning, communicating ideas and collaborating with one another as part of the knowledge building process. The integrated activities in collaboration with other departments further allow our students to make mathematical connections across different subjects and disciplines.

While learning outcomes are foundational to students' learning, their character and holistic development are equally important. We make an intentional effort to develop students' learning dispositions through the Learning Champ initiative. Armed with a Learning Champ reward card, students will receive stamps from their teachers when they have demonstrated learning dispositions consistently over a sustained period of time. Once students have completed a card, they can exchange for a token whereby they can get a mystery gift from the gashapon machines located within the school. In addition, the roving Math Cart also provides an avenue for students to engage in self-directed learning. Through these activities, we hope to nurture our students to become lifelong learners who are able to adapt in a dynamic world.

Our holistic curriculum is supported by a range of strategies with varying levels of scaffolding as well as level-specific programmes to cater to the needs and progress of our students.

Our Programmes

With the conviction that all students can learn Mathematics, given the appropriate instruction and opportunity to learn, our targeted 3S programmes provide differentiated support for the different learners.

(i) Strengthen - reinforce learning

Learning through play – both structured and unstructured, is what our Spatial Reasoning Programme encapsulates. It aims to develop mathematical processes and metacognition that support the development of 21st Century Competencies and develop a greater awareness of the big ideas in Mathematics that will deepen students’ understanding and appreciation of mathematics. Alongside, we also have our Financial Literacy Programme which teaches students the value of money and the skill to draw the line between needs and wants. With the curated learning experiences in our programmes, it is hoped to equip students with the relevant problem-solving skills and also enable them to see the relevance of what they are learning based on the syllabus. 

(ii) Support – scaffold learning

During curriculum, we have the Learning Support for Mathematics (LSM) Programme, an early intervention effort for Primary 1 to Primary 4 students who need additional support to acquire basic knowledge and numeracy skills. Our teachers use activity-based instruction to help students learn.

For the Primary 5 and Primary 6 students, we have the Improving Confidence and Achievement in Numeracy (ICAN) Programme, a collaboration between schools and MOE to support and raise the confidence and achievement level of low progress learners. Our teachers use intervention strategies during the ICAN classes to help our students close their learning gaps. 

Our after-school Banded Remedial Programme for Primary 4 to Primary 6 students conducted by our teachers help to further strengthen our students’ mastery of concepts. Students will revisit the Mathematical concepts, skills and strategies based on their learning needs. 

(iii)    Stretch - extend learning

The E2K Programme is an inquiry-based programme for identified Primary 4 and Primary 5 students. It aims to develop and stretch students’ mathematical thinking and communication. 

Besides that, identified Primary 4 and Primary 5 students also have the opportunity to participate in the Primary Mathematics Project Competition, a competition jointly organised by the Gifted Education Branch and NUS High School of Mathematics and Science to encourage pupils to carry out innovative and creative work in Mathematics, applying what they have learnt. 

The Mathematics Olympiad Programme is for identified Primary 5 to Primary 6 students who demonstrate an aptitude in Mathematics. Students will deepen and challenge their thinking to tackle higher-order thinking and non-routine problems. They will also be given the opportunities to participate in renowned external competitions such as the National Mathematical Olympiad of Singapore organised by NUS High School of Math and Science and the Singapore Mathematical Olympiad for Primary Schools organised by Hwa Chong Institution.