Homeroom Programme

Homeroom Programme 2024

There is always something to look forward to at Fuchun Primary School. The school’s Homeroom Programme sets aside the first period of the school day for a myriad of fun and engaging activities customized to the unique themes for learning each day - #freshmonday, #unitedtuesday, #friendlywednesday, #learningthursday and #familyfriday.


It aims to develop students’ Social-Emotional and Leadership competencies and Self-Discipline, while strengthening Teacher-Student relationships. Students can be seen setting their weekly goals, learning about Cyber Safety from the Cyber-Wellness Leaders or bonding with their teachers and peers through the making of balloon rockets. Form teachers will also check in with the students to ensure they start the day on the right foot, and encourage them to practice positive habits, one day at a time.

Below are some activities that are carried out for Homeroom Programme: 

#FamilyFriday 2024 (New)


#FamilyFriday aims to strengthen family-child relationships by encouraging quality home interaction and extends students’ learning at home.  A #FamilyFriday package will be sent out monthly to share with students’ families with suggestions on what they can do over the weekends. Some examples of activities are as follows:

🎓📚What did we learn in school?👩‍🏫🧐
We will be sharing some interesting learnings in school, ranging from school values to sustainability movement, so that you can continue to discuss and practice with your family members at home.

🍛👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Mealtime Chit-Chats! 💬🍝 

These include light-hearted topics (e.g. friendships in school, talents and aspirations) to chat over meal-time to find out more about one another in your family!

   🤲🏸Let's Do Together!👨‍🍳🎉

These are some hands-on activities (e.g. researching and making a fruit salad at home with family, exploration of websites/articles online) for families to try out together over the weekends!

👩‍💻🚌Let's Explore!🌲🌅

These include interesting online websites, articles or even places in Singapore (e.g. events at the library, neighbourhood playgrounds) to explore together with your family! 

Let’s Reflect! Let’s Celebrate! Let’s Plan!

At the end of each term, we will set aside time and space for our students to reflect, celebrate and plan

Students reflect on their learning on areas they are doing well and areas they should continue to grow as part of our endeavour in nurturing a Growth Mindset.

Celebrating students’ successes is our way to affirm students. We believe that when delivered effectively, praises and affirmation can give our students the drive and motivation to continue doing great work. Celebrating the accomplishments of our students builds their confidence step-by-step and this confidence builds itself into achievement and results in big wins for everyone. 

Certificates are given to deserving students to award them for “participating actively in class” or “for having a growth mindset!” We hope our students will continue to put forth their best efforts in what they do!

 Lastly, beyond getting students to reflect and celebrating their successes, we want our students to move onward, planning for their holidays to ensure time is well-spent, working on areas they want to grow in. These areas include their talents, interests or perhaps helping out their parents with household chores at home!