Home-Based Learning

Dare to Scale your Holiday! Projects 

(May School Holiday) 

welcome to dazhong primary school 

Dare to Scale your Holiday! Projects

In line with MOE's announcement regarding the continued COVID-19 measures, from 5 May 2020 to 1 June 2020, all MOE schools will be having their school holidays.

To meaningfully engage and support our students during this May School Holiday, the school has created several Dare to Scale your Holiday! Projects. Each project is unique and covers a particular interest group. Through doing these projects, our Dazhong students will be demonstrating their Self-Directed Learning and Resilience, putting in actions the school values of Excellence and Perseverance!

This site provides our students with information related to the Dare to Scale your Holiday! Projects. More details related to the various projects can be found on the respective level web pages. Please browse the site for more information. 

All Dazhong students are strongly encouraged to complete at least 2 projects during the May School Holiday!

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Curious!



Achievers rooted in values, soaring beyond limits.


To nurture and inspire pupils to be self-directed learners, gracious and resilient, serving beyond self.

Core Values

i-REAP (Integrity; Responsibility; Excellence; Acceptance; Perseverance)