Welcome Pack 2024

To start 2024 on a positive note, and in appreciation of the hard work and commitment of each staff, SER prepared a thoughtfully curated gift package to welcome back staff to the new academic year. 

The package included:

1) Honey Sticks: A sweet treat to enjoy during a break or with a cup of tea, symbolizing the sweetness we hope your semester will bring.

2) Markers: Essential tools for the classroom, reminding you of the creativity and knowledge you impart to our students every day.

3) Vitamin C Effervescence Tablet: To boost your immune system and keep you feeling your best as you navigate through the busy days ahead.

4) School Logo Customised Glass Mug: A token of our school's pride, perfect for your morning coffee or tea, serving as a daily reminder of the community we are all a part of.

My Well-Being Journal

To enhance staff well-being through Positive Psychology Practices & foster a Supportive, Uplifting School Culture that is Grateful, Compassionate and Respectful.

Celebrating 2024 Canberra Sec's Lunar New Year !!!

Wishing you great luck in the Year of the Dragon!
龙马精神!(Lóng mǎ jīngshén!) 
May you have the spirit of the dragon and horse (symbolizing vitality and energy)!
龙凤呈祥,幸福安康!(Lóng fèng chéngxiáng, xìngfú ānkāng!) 

Lunar New Year 2024 Staff Celebration: Embracing Tradition and Unity

This Lunar New Year, our staff gathered for a special celebration filled with cultural experiences and cherished traditions. As part of the festivities, staff had the opportunity to try their hands at Chinese calligraphy, creating beautiful designs that symbolize prosperity and good fortune.

Highlighting the spirit of togetherness, staff also joined in the tradition of  'lohei', a joyous occasion where we tossed the traditional salad to usher in abundance and blessings for the year ahead. 

As we welcomed the auspicious Year of the Dragon amidst laughter and camaraderie, collegial bonds were not only fostered but also strengthened. 

15 April 2024: Celebrating Hari Raya 2024 (Staff Edition)

Hari Raya Happy Hour 2024 Staff Celebration: Knowing how Eid is celebrated around the world

During our Hari Raya Happy Hour, we explored how Eid is celebrated worldwide and our own special customs in Singapore. We also explored the significant role of food in Hari Raya festivities as eating together symbolizes unity, generosity, and gratitude. We introduced the top 6 most popular Hari Raya dishes and staff got to enjoy a delicious bento which includes the top Hari Raya dishes such as Nasi Impit, Sambal Goreng, Ayam Masak Merah, and Serunding.

Staff Learning Journey 2024

Date: 27 May 2024 (Monday)


🌟 What an amazing day of choice and adventure at yesterday's Staff Learning Journey! 🌟

🔍 Some of our team embraced the thrilling challenges of the escape room, cracking codes and unraveling mysteries with gusto! It was a true test of teamwork and quick thinking, and they absolutely nailed it!

🍵 Meanwhile, others opted for a more serene experience at Tea Chapter, where they immersed themselves in the rich traditions of Chinese tea culture. Sipping on exquisite teas, they explored the history and rituals behind each cup, fostering bonds over shared experiences and newfound knowledge.

💼 It was a day filled with excitement, laughter, and personal choice – a true reflection of our team's diverse interests and strengths. Here's to embracing new adventures together! 

#CanberraSecondary #SER2024 #StaffLearningJourney #EscapeRoom #TeaChapter #TeamBonding



Theme 1: AI-volution Celebration

Why this theme?
Educators are honored for our adaptability and embrace of technology in teaching, and in preparing students for a future driven by artificial intelligence and innovation.

Theme 2: Balik Kampung

Why this theme?
Celebrates educators' dedication to nurturing cultural understanding and heritage among students, fostering a sense of community and tradition in education.

Theme 3: Garden of Knowledge

Why this theme?
Recognises educators’ dedication and role in developing students holistically, nurturing their intellectual growth and fostering curiosity, akin to cultivating a garden.

2024 Teachers' Day Staff Celebration Theme