Direct School Admission (DSA) 2024

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Programme

“Creative Robotics & Engineering”

for Academic Year 2025


Direct School Admission

The DSA-Sec Exercise was introduced by the Ministry of Education in 2004 to promote holistic education and provide students an opportunity to demonstrate a more diverse range of achievements and talents in seeking admission to a secondary school.  Under this DSA-Sec Exercise, participating schools will be able to select some Primary Six (P6) students for admission to Secondary One. The selection will be based on their achievements and talents before the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) results are released.

For more information, please visit

STEM Programme – “Creative Robotics & Engineering” (Engineering and Innovation Club)


As the world witness the pervasive influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in every aspect of our lives, from smart homes and devices to emerging technologies in robotics, Bukit Merah Secondary School’s Applied Learning Programme (ALP) titled “Creative Robotics & Engineering” aims to equip our Merahans with the skills to create smart inventions using AI to solve real-world problems.

Through the ALP programme, students will be provided with a platform to develop their creativity and problem-solving skills, thereby enables them to apply theoretical concepts to practical situations. The programme also allows students to explore their interest in STEM-related subjects and develop their potential in these fields.

For students who are passionate in pursuing STEM-related aspirations, Bukit Merah Secondary School provides an exclusive opportunity for you to join the Engineering and Innovation (E&I) Club through the Direct School Admission (DSA) programme. The E&I Club offers students a range of exciting opportunities to challenge themselves in various STEM-related competitions both locally and internationally, where they have consistently outperformed their peers and emerged as winners.

The E&I Club has three core interest areas: Engineering, Robotics, and Innovation & Design. Each core area exposes students to different aspects of STEM, enables them to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter and make informed decisions about their post-secondary education.

At Bukit Merah Secondary School, we believe that our ALP programme and E&I Club experience provide a comprehensive platform for students enrolled via DSA (STEM) to hone their skills, develop their interests, and achieve their dreams in STEM-related fields.

Achievements in STEM-related Competition for Engineering and Innovation Club

The selection criteria and process for the talent areas will be updated from early-May. For more information on DSA-Sec, please refer to the MOE website at


Reflections of Ex-BMSS Students from Engineering and Innovation Club

Muhammad Hakim Bin Zulfadli (2020)

One of the key highlights for me as a member of the Engineering and Innovation Club (E&I), was the privilege of being part of the team to participate in the Introducing and Demonstrating Earthquake Engineering Research in Schools competition or IDEERS in short, which was held annually in Taiwan in September 2018 as well as 2019. Apart from the joy of emerging as the champions in 2019, I learnt a lot from the learning journey to various earthquake sites to witness and understand the devastation earthquakes could bring. More importantly, how good engineering design could help to mitigate these damages. I also had the chance to meet and interact with participants from around the world. These experiences made me realise the importance of teamwork and collaboration, where we could do so much more than doing it alone.

Barretta Jacklyn Flamman (2020)

Going through the F1 in Schools competition was an enriching experience that deepened my understanding of many skills. The competition required us to learn things like how to design a car using CAD software as well as requiring us to apply knowledge about aerodynamics. We also learnt about social media, marketing and most importantly teamwork, where I formed strong friendships with my juniors and peers. During the competition, we learnt to overcome challenges like time management with effective teamwork and strong passion and managed to finish off strong. In the end, we designed and made a car and produced a portfolio that we could be proud of.

Darwin Lim Yong An (2020)

When I first joined Engineering & Innovation Club in 2017, I chose to join the toy design competition as I use to make toys in primary school. Along the way, my teammates and I had to overcome many challenges such as how to operate the different machines and use some tools that we had not seen before. However, with the help and guidance of our seniors and teachers, we were able to contribute greatly to our group and won the merit award in the competition. In conclusion, joining this toy design competition has taught me many skills and the most important skill I learnt is effective communication.

Contact Us

For further enquiries, please contact:

Mr Lim Chee Khern Dennis  
HOD Craft & Technology 

Ext: 125

Mrs Goh Shumin  
Teacher in Charge of Engineering and Innovation Club 

Ext: 202

8.30 am to 5.30 pm on weekdays

Tel: 64748934


(Subject: DSA Enquiries)