Archived Daily HBL PLans
& Past Announcements

Archived Term 3 HBL W3 (15 JUNe - 19 JUne)

Pls click on relevant links for archived HBL Plans.

Archived lesson - Term 3 Week 3 (15 June to 19 June)

  • Term 3 HBL P1 Week 3 (15 to 19 June)

  • Term 3 HBL P2 Week 3 (15 to 19 June)

  • Term 3 HBL P Week 3 (315 to 19 June)

Archived Term 3 HBL W2 (8 JUNe - 12 JUne)

Pls click on relevant links for archived HBL Plans.

Archived lesson - Term 3 Week 2 (8 June to 12 June)

  • Term 3 HBL P4 Week 2 (8 to 12 June)

  • Term 3 HBL P5 Week 2 (8 to 12 June)

Archived Term 3 HBL W1 (2 JUNe - 5 JUne)

Pls click on relevant links for archived HBL Plans.

Archived lesson - Term 3 Week 1 (2 June to 5 June)

  • Term 3 HBL P1 Week 1 (2 June to 5 May)

  • Term 3 HBL P2 Week 1 (2 June to 5 May)

  • Term 3 HBL P2 Week 1 (2 June to 5 May)

Archived FHBL T2W7 (4 may)

Archived FHBL T2W6 (27 Apr to 1 may)

Archived FHBL T2W5 (20 Apr to 24 Apr)

Archived FHBL T2W4 (13 Apr to 17 Apr)

Archived FHBL T2W3 (6 Apr to 10 Apr)

Past Announcements

Anderson Pri Sch FHBL Microsite for Daily Updates

This microsite serves as a communication channel between our school & students/parents during the FHBL period (8 Apr to 4 May).

Our teachers will update the HBL plan and instructions for each day via this microsite. It is based on the updated timetable for this period.

For MTL instructions, please refer to the separate tabs. For CL instructions, they are found on the individual tabs named according to CL teachers. For ML and TL instructions, they are found in ML tab and TL tab respectively.

Students/Parents can retrieve the daily instructions from 7.30 am onwards. Students are to complete their daily check-in (Arise & Shine, Andersonians!) before accessing their HBL Daily Plan.

Full Home-Based Learning & SLS Support @ Anderson Primary

Pls click on relevant links for archived HBL Plans.

Archived lesson - Term 3 Week 2 (8 June to 12 June)

  • Term 3 HBL P4 Week 2 (8 to 12 June)

  • Term 3 HBL P5 Week 2 (8 to 12 June)