The Instruments

Liuqin 柳琴

The liuqin is a four-stringed Chinese mandolin with a pear-shaped body, The range of its voice is much higher than the pipa. The liuqin is an accompaniment instrument in folk Chinese opera, an instrument well-appreciated for its unique tonal and acoustic qualities. Its strings are elevated by a bridge and the soundboard has two prominent soundholes. Finally, the instrument is played with a pick with similar technique to ruan.

柳琴是一个四弦曼陀铃,它有个梨形琴身,声音范围比琵琶高得多。 柳琴是中国民间戏曲的伴奏乐器,因其独特的音调和声学特性而广受赞赏。它的琴弦由琴桥抬高,音板有两个突出的音孔。最后,使用与阮类似的技术弹乐器。

Ruan 阮

The Ruan is a traditional Chinese plucked string instrument which has 24 frets with 12 semitones on each string. During the reign of Emperor Wu Zetian, a bronze musical instrument similar to Qin's pipa was found in an ancient tomb in Sichuan. It was believed that it was the instrument which the musician, Ruan Xian, loved to play and the instrument was named after him which was then shortened to just “ruan”

阮是一种传统的中国弹拨乐器,它有24个品,每个琴弦上有12个半音。据传武则天皇帝统治时期,在四川一个古墓中发现了一种类似于秦琵琶的青铜乐器。 据认为,这是音乐家阮娴喜欢演奏的乐器,该乐器以他的名字命名,后来简称为“阮”。

Yangqin 扬琴

The yangqin is a Chinese hammered dulcimer. It used to be written with the characters “洋琴”, but over time the first character changed to “揚”, which means "acclaimed". Hammered dulcimers of various types are now very popular not only in China, but also Eastern Europe, the Middle East, India, Iran, and Pakistan.The yangqin was traditionally fitted with bronze strings, which gave the instrument a soft timbre. The instrument's strings are struck with two lightweight bamboo hammers with rubber tips.

扬琴是中国锤击的洋琴。 它以前是用“洋琴”这个字符写的,但是随着时间的推移,第一个字符变成了“扬”,意思是“广受好评”。各种类型的锤式扬琴不仅在中国,而且在东欧,中东,印度,伊朗和巴基斯坦也很受欢迎。传统的扬琴配有青铜弦,使乐器音色柔和。 乐器的琴弦用两个带橡胶尖头的轻质竹锤敲打。

Pipa 琵琶

The instrument has a pear-shaped wooden body with a varying number of frets ranging from 12–26. The instrument’s name is derived from finger techniques, pi for plucking in a forward motion, pa for plucking in a backward motion. Historically, the term 'Pipa' was once used to refer to a variety of plucked chordophones , such as Yueqin, Ruan etc., unlike the terms used in recent times. Pipa's development reached a peak in Tang Dynasty, the instrument became a highly popular instrument and was used in imperial courts as well as in commoners' teahouse. It is mentioned frequently in Tang Dynasty poetry, for example, a famous poem by Bai Juyi's Pipa xing (琵琶行), which vividly describe a pipa performance and its sound effects.

乐器为梨形的木制琴体,它的品从12到26不等。乐器的名称源自手指技术,琵用于向前移动,琶用于向后移动。历史上所谓的琵琶,指的是多种弹拨乐器,所以像月琴,阮等,都可说是琵琶类乐器,与今日的名称所指不同。琵琶的发展在唐代出现了一个高峰,当时上至宫廷乐队, 下至民间演唱都少不了琵琶, 成为当时非常盛行的乐器, 在中国古代诗词中有大量的记载。例如唐代诗人白居易的著名诗篇《琵琶行》中就非常形象地描述了琵琶演奏及其音响效果。

Cello and Double bass (低音提琴)

The cello and double bass can also be found in our Chinese Orchestra. In modern Chinese Orchestras, cello and double bass is often used to replace the use of gehu and diyingehu (bass gehu), as the baseline in the Orchestra.


Percussion 打击乐

Instruments used in the percussion section of the modern Chinese orchestra vary according to the musical work. The percussion section of the modern Chinese orchestra consists of two main parts: Chinese percussion and Western percussion. The history of Chinese percussion instruments is longer than any other section of traditional Chinese instruments. The character of the drum was first recorded in the ancient inscriptions on oracle bones and tortoise shells dating from the Shang Dynasty. At that time (1562-1066 BC) more than 50 percent of Chinese instruments were percussive in nature.

根据不同的歌曲,华乐团会使用不同的打击乐器。现代华乐团使用的打击乐器包括民族打击乐器及西洋打击乐器 。打击乐器在中国的历史悠远。“鼓”这一字始见于商代甲骨文及金文。 当时一半以上的华族乐器皆有打击性质。