Yayasan Johor Corporation (YJC) Choral Speaking Challenge Johor State Level 2023

Organised by Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Johor and Yayasan Johor Corporation

The following format will be implemented in the YJC Choral Speaking Challenge:

1.0:  FORMAT

1.1: The state level competition will be conducted in two sections:

1.2: Champions from all districts that advance to the state level will be going through the online preliminary video screening for YJC Fan Favourite Award and also the Grand Final in-person.

STAGE 1: Preliminary Video Screening for YJC Fan Favourite Award

1.3: For Stage 1, all teams will have to record a 2 to 3-minute additional choral speaking video presentation on the following topic:

Primary Schools Category: 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

Secondary Schools Category: Low Carbon

1.4 All Stage 1 video presentations will be uploaded on the Yayasan Johor Corporation Official Facebook page and the choral speaking presentation that receives the most likes will be awarded with the YJC Fan Favourite Award.

1.5: All participating pupils and teachers MUST follow and like the Yayasan Johor Corporation Official Facebook page in order to win this award. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification. 

1.6: The uploaded video must ONLY contain the additional choral speaking video presentation (ONLY the themes given by YJC)  and NOT the winning presentation from the respective district rounds.

STAGE 2: Grand Final

1.7: The Grand Final round will be conducted in two sections:

1.8: Presentation for Section B will start right after the presentation for Section A finishes.  Choral speakers need to mention the phrase 'Unity' for Primary Schools category or 'Financial Literacy' for Secondary Schools category to mark the start of their second performance.


2.1: The format for video submission follows the recent Choral Speaking Nuri Madani Competition 2023 Concept Paper.

2.2: All scripts and videos for Stage 1 should be uploaded through the submission link that can be found below this section by 17th September 2023.


3.1: Prizes are awarded as follows:

Stage 1 (for each category)

Stage 2, Section A (for each category):

Stage 2, Section B (for each category):

3.2: Selection of winners will be done by separate teams of judges. Winning teams in different stages and sections may not be the same team and vice versa. Only the Champion for Stage 2, Section B will proceed to the nationals for each category.