Unit #2 Prob/Stats: Understanding Crime in DC

In this project, we'll use the tools of scatterplots and linear regression to examine various factors that are correlated with crime rates, and use that analysis to write Crime Policy Proposals (like Exemplar #1 and Exemplar #2) that explain how we can reduce crime in our city.

To work on this project, stick to each deadline and follow the links to the appropriate lesson. Try to stay on pace! Check back here for updates and make sure to be checking your emails for any changes!

Checkpoint #1: Due by Midnight on March 23rd

Checkpoint #2: Due by Midnight on March 25th

Checkpoint #3: Due by Midnight on March 27th

Checkpoint #4: Due by Midnight on March 31st

Checkpoint #5: Due by Midnight on April 2nd

If you have any questions, email me at kareem.farah@modernclassrooms.org. When you finish your assignment, take a picture and send it to me!

See where you are at using this tracker:

Sample Self-Pacing
Example Game Board Ballou STAY