How This Class Works

4th Grade Unit 0

I've worked hard to create a learning environment that responds to every learner's needs. Here's how it will work:

This all means that my class may work a little differently than you're used to. Instead of using the traditional "one-size-fits-all" model of teaching every day, this year I will:

This approach is inspired by the work of the Modern Classrooms Project. Here's how they explain it:

Frequently Asked Questions

You'll probably have some questions if this approach is new to you! Here are questions that I often receive:

Does this approach really work?

Part of the reason I've chosen to use this approach is that it's backed by rigorous academic research. Decades of studies have demonstrated the benefits of blended, self-paced, and mastery-based learning, and research by the Modern Classrooms Project shows that learners in Modern Classrooms feel more engaged, more capable, and more effective than learners in traditional classrooms. 

The Modern Classrooms Project is currently studying the effects of this model on student achievement. Please contact to learn more.

What if I can't learn from videos?

Videos are part of how you'll learn in this class, but they aren't the only way. In addition to videos, I'll also be working with you and your classmates as a whole class, in small groups, and one-on-one. You can also work with your classmates! So videos will be a helpful tool, but not the only tool.

Also, think about things you'd like to learn outside of school. Would you ever watch a video on YouTube to learn a new dance move, recipe, video game strategy, or anything else? If so, you can learn from videos in school too!

What will you be doing during class time?

It's true that, in this class, I won't be standing at the front of the room every day. Instead, I will be:

I'm still teaching - just in a more personal and responsive way. I hope this makes class nicer for both of us!

Have other questions? Email me anytime!