Unit 1: 1491-1763

Unit Description

This unit covers APUSH Standards 1.1 - 3.1 which begins with Columbus's voyages and ends with the aftermath of the French & Indian War, right before the Revolutionary War.

The Unit consists of 7 lessons. Each lesson requires students to complete a section of the overarching Content & Skills packet + 2 videos (One Content video and one Skills video). Following each lesson, students will complete a Mastery Check (Canvas Quiz) before moving on in the Unit. Students will work through a Canvas Module to guide the order of the lesson which should look like this -

  1. Student will watch 1.1A and then move on to the corresponding Content Section

  2. Student will then watch 1.1B and move on to the corresponding Skills Section

  3. If the student wishes, they will then complete any accompanying Aspire-to-do activities that go with the lesson

  4. Before moving on to 1.2, they will complete Mastery Check 1.1 which will cover both Content and Skills

The Content & Skills packet is a Cloud assignment made using Google Docs. The videos were all made using Google Slides and Explain Everything and checks for understanding have been embedded in the videos using Canvas Studio (so they will not appear here).

Students start each week with a check-in to build connections and social-emotional support, shown to the right.

They can check if they are on pace by going to Canvas to find the link to the Pacing Tracker shown below.

Students will complete all lessons using Canvas exclusively.