Articles and Presentations

My areas of research are focused on worker health and well-being. I'm particularly interested in jobs with high stress (e.g., military, healthcare, first responders). My research primarily focuses on health consequences of workplace stress, but has also included resources that can reduce stressors and enhance well-being. I'm interested in how companies can help employees at any stage of "stress", by considering ways to reduce workplace stressors, help employees manage existing stressors, and seek help from appropriate professionals when a mental or physical health problem is severe. 

You can find a list of my published works on my CV (linked on the home page) or in the list below. In the list, *indicates an undergraduate student coauthor and **indicates a graduate student coauthor. 

If you'd like any more information on these articles or copies of conference presentations, feel free to email me at



Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Featured as a member research spotlight by SIOP December 2022, summary of key findings from the Burnout in Women Study

Showcased in Military REACH, designed to share research findings with military communities and their families

Conference Presentations

Peer-Reviewed Paper/Symposium Presentations

Black, K.J., Cunningham, C. J. L., Long Gillispie, D., Wyatt, K. (November, 2023). Burnout in women: Mixed-methods examination of individual differences that matter. International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health: Work, Stress, and Health. Virtual format.

Black, K.J. (April, 2023). Laying the groundwork: Teaching statistics in your first year. In K.J. Black & A. Brawley Newlin (Co-Chairs), Rejecting the dull: Teaching students to know and love statistics. IGNITE session. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) annual conference. Boston, MA.

Black, K.J., **Vosika, E., Ross, D., **Broda, P. (2022, April). Relaxing with Regret: Exploring the role of evening relaxation remorse on next day outcomes. In K.J. Black (Chair), Damaging downtime: Attitudes and behaviors that affect recovery, sleep, and health. 37th annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference. Seattle, WA.

Black, K. J., Sinclair, R. R., Sawhney, G., & Munc, A. (2021, April). The weight of debt: Relationships between debt, income, and employee attitudes. In K. J. Black & S. Glazer (Co-Chairs), Implications of financial vulnerability: Examining the understudied. 36th annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference. Virtual format due to COVID-19.

Adams, K. A., Fisher, M., Hayes, T. Black, K. J., Kennell, R. & Phase, A. (2021, April). Improving engagement and reducing burnout. Panel discussion at the 36th annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference. Virtual format due to COVID-19.

Black, K.J., **Broda, P., & Ross, D. (2021, April). Stress as a badge of honor: Effects on social relationships at work. In A. Munc (Chair), Current investigations into work stress: Deepening our understanding and showing value. Alternative session at the 36th annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference. Virtual format due to COVID-19.

Wang, Y., Black, K.J., **Martin, A. (2020, October) Antecedents and outcomes of daily anticipated stress and stress forecasting errors. Southern Management Association Annual Meeting. St. Pete, FL.

Wilson, C., Britt, T.W., Sawhney, G., & Black, K.J. (2020, June). Unit climate and help seeking among employees in high risk occupations. In S. Payne and S. Dumlao (co-chairs), Promoting a culture of reporting health concerns. 35th annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Virtual format due to COVID-19.

Black, K.J. (2020, April). Laying the groundwork: Teaching statistics in your first year. In K.J. Black & A. Brawley Newlin (Co-Chairs), Rejecting the dull: Teaching students to know and love statistics. IGNITE accepted to the 35th annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Session cancelled by presenters upon change to online format due to COVID-19.

Black, K.J., *DePhillips, O., & Britt, T.W. (2019, November). I can’t afford to relax: Relating financial adequacy to recovery and health. 13th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health: Work, Stress, and Health. Philadelphia, PA. 

Black, K.J. **Bremmer, C., Melhorn, E., & Zelin, A.I. (2019, November). College student perceptions of anticipated burnout and engagement in their future careers. 13th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health: Work, Stress, and Health. Philadelphia, PA. 

Black, K.J. (2019, April). Surviving your first year of teaching. In K.J. Black and A. Brawley Newlin, Leaving the nest: Finding an academic job and surviving your first year. 34th annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Washington, DC.

Black, K.J. & Britt, T.W. (2018, April). Stress as a badge of honor: Relationships with health and performance. In K.J. Black (Chair), Good for work, bad for life: Individual characteristics with divergent effects. 33rd annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Chicago, IL.

Britt, T. W. Jennings, K.S., Pury, C., Zinzow, H., & Cheung, J. (2017, April). Creating an organizational climate that supports employees with mental health problems. In K. Jones & K. Sawyer (Co-chairs), Mental illness at work: Individual experiences and organizational supports. 32nd annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Orlando, FL.

Sawhney, G., Jennings, K.S., Britt, T.W., & Sliter, M. T. (2017, April). Moderating role of workplace recovery in the stressors-mental health relationship. In G. Sawhney & T. Britt (Co-chairs) Examining individual strategies utilized by employees to combat occupational stress. 32nd annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Orlando, FL.

Probst, T. M., Sinclair, R. R., Sears, L. E., Gailey, N. J., Jennings, K. S., & Cheung, J. H. (2016, April). Economic stress and well-being: Does community health context matter? In H. Odle-Dusseau & J. H. Cheung (Co-chairs), Employment and income: Effects of economic stress on occupational health. 31st annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Anaheim, CA.

Britt, T.W., Jennings, K.S., Goguen, K. N., & Sytine, A. I. (2016, April). The role of meaningful work in astronaut health and performance during long duration space exploration missions. Aerospace Medical Association 87th Annual Scientific Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ.

Jennings, K. S., Pury, C. S., Britt, T. W., Zinzow, H. M., & Cheung, J. H. (2015, August). Barriers to treatment seeking in the military: Implications for unit training. In T. Britt (Chair) Unit Training to Reduce Stigma and Improve Attitudes towards Mental Health Treatment. 123rd American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Toronto, Canada.

Jennings, K. S., Britt, T. W., Cheung, J. H., Pury, C., S., Zinzow, H. M., McFadden, A. C. (2015, May). The role of social support in treatment seeking and retention among soldiers. In K. Jennings & T. Britt (Co-chairs), Supporting Employees in High Stress Jobs: Benefits of Social Support for Physical and Psychological Health. 11th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health: Work, Stress, and Health. Atlanta, GA.

Munc, A., Jennings, K. S., & Sinclair, R. R. (2015, May). Exploring the conceptual relationship between stigma and climate related to employee safety and health. 11th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health: Work, Stress, and Health. Atlanta, GA.

Peer-Reviewed Poster Presentations (See CV for additional student research presented at UTC local conferences)

**Siddiqui, D. A., Black, K. J., Graham, B. A., Sinclair, R. R., & Bergman, M. E., (2023, April). Relationships between Debt and Well-being: The Role of Career Attitudes. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Boston, MA, United States.

Graham, B. A., Sinclair, R. R., Black, K. J., **Siddiqui, D. A., & Bergman, M. E. (2023, April). Better days ahead: The role of positive expectations and debt in worker health. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Boston, MA, United States.

Kim, G., Bergman, M. E., Black, K. J., Graham, B. A., **Siddiqui, D. A., & Sinclair, R. R. (2023, April). Commitment as a Mediator between Future Perceived Income Adequacy, Turnover, and OCB. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Boston, MA, United States.

*Wiley, L. & Black, K.J. (2023, April). The effect of perceived union support as a resource on burnout and engagement. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Boston, MA, United States.

**Wright, P., Black, K.J., **Siddiqui, D. A., Graham, B. A., Sinclair, R.R., & Bergman, M. E. (2022, October). Exploring the effects of financial strain on organizational commitment and occupational commitment. 18th Annual River Cities I-O (RCIO) Psychology Conference. Chattanooga, TN.

**Ikner, B. & Black, K.J. (2022, October). Exploring the role of emotional stability and remote work as resources in detaching from work. 18th Annual River Cities I-O (RCIO) Psychology Conference. Chattanooga, TN.

**Keaton, J., Black, K.J., & Houdmont, J. (2022, April). The influence of job demands, resources, and community perceptions on police officers. 37th annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference. Seattle, WA.

*Davis, A., Zelin, A.I., Black, K.J. (2022, March). Effects of romantic media consumption on college women’s romantic beliefs. Association for Women in Psychology annual conference. Chicago, IL.

Black, K.J., *Wiley, L., Ross, D., **Broda, P. (2021, November). Too stressed to de-stress? The experience of work stress among legal professionals. 14th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health: Work, Stress, and Health (Virtual Conference).

**Wheatley, C. & Black, K.J. (2021, April). “Hey, are you busy right now?” Stressor appraisals of interruptions to workflow. 36th annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference.

*Halvorson, E. & Black, K.J. (2021, February). “Sticks and Stones”: Experiencing microaggressions from the perspectives of the victim, bystander, and perpetrator. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Virtual format.

**Wheatley, C. & Black, K.J. (2020, October). “Hey, are you busy right now?” Stressor appraisals of interruptions to workflow (Research Proposal). 16th Annual River Cities I-O (RCIO) Psychology Conference. Chattanooga, TN.

**Keaton, J. & Black, K.J. (2020, October). Using the Job Demands-Resources model to predict burnout in police officers in the UK and the US (Research Proposal). 16th Annual River Cities I-O (RCIO) Psychology Conference. Chattanooga, TN.

Wang, Y., **Martin, A., Black, K.J. (2020, June). Effects of anticipatory stress and stress forecasting on well-being outcomes. 35th annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Virtual format due to COVID-19.

**Klein, L., Black, K.J., Zelin, A. I., O’Leary, B.J. (2019, October). Perceptions of injustice among intercollegiate athletes: Effects of response type on individual well-being and perceived team cohesion. 15th Annual River Cities I-O (RCIO) Psychology Conference. Chattanooga, TN.

**Burns, D. & Black, K.J. (2019, October). Working with wildlife: The effect of stressors and resources on burnout and engagement for animal caretakers. 15th Annual River Cities I-O (RCIO) Psychology Conference. Chattanooga, TN.

**Martin, A. & Black, K.J. (2019, October). Are your perceptions of stress impacting your social life? 15th Annual River Cities I-O (RCIO) Psychology Conference. Chattanooga, TN.

*Hudson, M., *Lane, G., *Halvorson, E., *Oliver, J., Black, K.J. (2019, November). I just can’t relax: Student perceptions of stress and relaxation at the beginning and end of the week. Tennessee Psychological Association Annual Convention. Nashville, TN.

**Johnson, L., Cunningham, C., O’Leary, B., Black, K.J. (2018, October). A mixed methods study on the impact of the perceived aesthetics of a workplace. 14th Annual River Cities I-O (RCIO) Psychology Conference, Chattanooga, TN.

*Saenz, C. & Black, K.J. (2018, October). Political skill as a predictor of performance and work relationship quality. 14th Annual River Cities I-O (RCIO) Psychology Conference, Chattanooga, TN.

Wilkes, R., Brady, A., Jennings, K., Goguen, K., Sytine, A., DiMuzio, D., Jeffirs, S., Britt, T. (2017, March). Meaningful work as a buffer against stressors facing astronauts. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA), Atlanta, GA.

Pittman, R., Jennings, K., Goguen, K., Britt, T., Jeffirs, S., Wilkes, R., Brady, A., DiMuzio, D. (2017, March). Personality traits and barriers to treatment seeking among college students. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA), Atlanta, GA.

Jennings, K. S., Britt, T. W., Adler, A., Lane, B. (2016, April). Job engagement, performance strategies, and performance in basic training. 31st annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Anaheim, CA.

Sytine, A., Jennings, K. S., Goguen, K., Britt, T. W. (2016, April) Job engagement magnifies the relationship between job resources and performance. 31st annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Anaheim, CA.

Jennings, K. S., Pury, C. S., Britt, T. W., Cheung, J. H., & Zinzow, H. M. (2015, May). Longitudinal predictors of self-reliance for coping with mental health problems in the military. 11th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health: Work, Stress, and Health. Atlanta, GA.

Jennings, K. S., Cheung, J. H., Sinclair, R. R., & Houdmont, J. (2015, May). The deadlines don't matter anymore: Perceptions of daily stressors and job resources for police officers experiencing PTSD. 11th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health: Work, Stress, and Health. Atlanta, GA.

Goguen, K. N., Jennings, K. S., Cheung, J. C., Sytine, A., McFadden, A. C., Britt, T. W. (2015, May). Positive and negative outcomes of daily demands and personal uplifts. 11th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health: Work, Stress, and Health. Atlanta, GA.

Jennings, K. S., Cheung, J. H., Britt, T. W., Pury, C, S., Zinzow, H. M., McFadden, A. C. (2015, April). Leader support and mental health symptoms: Which comes first? 30th annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Zinzow, H., Britt, T., Pury, C., Jennings, K. S., Cheung, J., Raymond, M. (2014, November) Barriers and facilitators of mental health treatment-seeking among sexual assault victims in the military. 30th Annual meeting for the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS). Miami, FL.

Jennings, K. S., Cheung, J. H., Britt, T. W., McFadden, A. C., Pury, C., Zinzow, H., & Raymond, M. A. (2014, May). Factors that affect psychological treatment seeking in high stress occupations. 29th Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference, Honolulu, HI.

Jennings, K. S., Sinclair, R., & Mohr, C. (2014, May) Who benefits from family support? Work schedule and family differences. 29th Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational (SIOP) Psychology Conference, Honolulu, HI.

Jennings, K.S., & Pilcher, J. J. (May 2013) Effects of perceived interest and difficulty on auditory comprehension under sleep deprivation conditions. Work, Stress, and Health 2013, Los Angeles, CA.