Personal Tips

There are some things that don't need to be written in a "policy." Our department's success hinges on bright, responsible, caring people who can do the right thing even though there is not a specific rule that says they must. Below we provide a series of tips that will help you to reduce your own exposure.

Personal Focus Areas.

  • Focus on where the skin is thin. Think neck.

  • Focus on where there is hair. Think head hair, armpits, nose and groin

  • Focus on what touches everything: Think hands

Have a change of clothes. Whether you are on an EMS unit or a fire truck you never know when you might have to change.

Take your shoes with you. The more time you spend in turnout gear the greater the "frequency" of exposure, the greater the risk. Take your shoes so you don't have to wear turnouts

Carry your own wipes. The brand doesn't matter. The formula matters a little but not a lot. Have a way to wipe yourself off. (Keep it in your duffle bag?)

Make sure you have a long-sleeved shirt. This will be useful for overhaul.