The Mid-State
Teacher Center

From the Director

Since its inception in the 1960’s, the Mid-State Teacher Resource Center has  provided professional learning opportunities and support to thousands of educators.  Over the course of any given school year, Mid-State provides professional learning to over 1,000 participants from our 14 member districts and schools.  These include co-sponsoring BOCES Staff & Curriculum Development’s summer conferences; offering specialized training for teachers and teaching assistants; enabling access to NYS ASCD webinars; and supporting a growing number of professional learning groups(PLGs).

To illustrate, during the 2021-22 school year 17 regional PLGs held 69 meetings for 577 participants.  Another in-district PLG hosted another ten meetings. More recently, Mid-State Teacher Center PLGs held 83 meetings with over 800 attendees providing 170 hours of professional learning. What did teachers do at these facilitated meetings? They shared knowledge and pedagogical strategies with one another, learned from invited experts, and engaged in self-guided studies. These meetings took place virtually and in-person, before, during, and after school hours. Judging by the participation alone, the teachers will continue to value the PLGs.

The Mid-State Teacher Resource Center is a sponsor or co-sponsor of many annual professional learning opportunities including:

Visit the SCD calendar to discover more offerings

Mid-State is pleased to be offering several quality learning opportunities for teachers, student teachers, teaching assistants, parents, and community members.  Check the Staff and Curriculum Development web site often for updates – that’s where we post our offerings Instructional Support & Professional Development - Madison-Oneida Board of Cooperative Educational Services –  or call us at the number below.  


Here’s to another year of engaging and effective professional learning!


Maria Smith, Director
