
06/27 Keras supplemental resources are provided.

06/15 P5 Deep Learning Deadline: 06/21 submit

06/15 New slide: Unit 10 Convolutional Neural Networks. Please go to "Course Materials" page.

06/07 P4A: "Ch.6 Neural Networks", TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook. Deadline: 06/21

06/07 P4: 類神經網路簡介 Deadline: 06/14 submit

06/07 New slide: Unit 9 Deep Neural Networks. Please go to "Course Materials" page.

06/01 R4: Artificial Neural Network Deadline: 06/08 submit

06/01 New slide: Unit 7 Neural Information Processing. Please go to "Course Materials" page.

05/31 Slide update: Unit 6 Logistic Regression V2.1 (Errors of formula of softmax function are corrected)

05/30 P3B: "Ch.4 Support Vector Machine", TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook. Deadline: 06/14

05/29 P3A: "Ch.3 Linear Regression", TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook. Deadline: 06/07

05/19 Slide update: Unit 6 Logistic Regression V2 (Add more explanations of softmax function)

05/18 New slide: Unit 6 Logistic Regression. Please go to "Course Materials" page.

05/17 R3: Logistic Regression(邏輯回歸) Deadline: 05/31 submit

05/11 New slide: Unit 5 Linear Regression. Please go to "Course Materials" page.

05/11 新增機器學習與深度學習參考書籍之網頁:Textbook & References

05/08 R2: Linear Regression(線性回歸) Deadline: 05/17 submit

05/04 A supplement page with extra learning materials is provided. The TensorFlow page has a lot of useful resources.

05/03 R1: SVM(支持向量機) Deadline: 05/10 submit

04/27 P3: 機器學習演算法練習 Deadline: 05/03 submit

04/27 Slide update: 04-Supervised Learning Algorithms (pp. 34-38 are changed)

04/24 News update: many public news about ML/AI

04/13 P2: 用TensorFlow求解數學問題 Deadline: 04/26 submit

04/10 Google Cloud Platform (GCP)開放免費申請,有TensorFlow雲端虛擬主機。

04/06 P1: TensorFlow Installation Deadline: 04/12 submit

03/30 Ex 6: Python Programming (V) Deadline: 04/03 submit

03/23 Ex 5: Python Programming (IV) Deadline: 03/29 submit

03/16 Ex4: Python Programming (III) Deadline: 03/21 submit

03/09 New slide: Unit 3 Machine Learning Problems and Algorithms

03/08 Ex 3: Python Programming (II). Deadline: 03/15 submit

03/04 Supplement : Resources for Python and Machine Learning

03/02 Ex 2: Python Programming (I) Deadline: 03/08 submit

03/02 New slide and lecture note: Units 1 and 2 are open to download. Please go to "Course Materials" page.

03/01 Our classroom is changed to be SF722.

02/27 Course information and schedule are updated.

02/23 Ex1: Create a web site for your homeworks. Deadline: 03/01 submit

02/23 Welcome to this course, classroom at SF742.