March 2022

$Make Writing

Course #: 1821

Date and Time: Mar 23 3:30 - 4:30

Audience: Secondary English Teachers

Location: LSC- McConihe

Presenter: Anne Stewart

Description: Ready to explore the relationship between making and writing? Come experiment with strategies to incorporate making into writing instruction and help reluctant students learn how to write through design thinking, manipulatives, and creative ideation.

$Building Strong Relationships in the Elementary Classroom

Course #:1838

Date and Time: Mar 15 4:00-5:00

Audience: PreK-5

Location: Peninsula Rm 12

Presenter: Tori Vandersnick/Heather Langendorff

Description: Come learn about the Importance of building strong relationships/the why! We will share strategies for building a foundation for relationships with students, families, and staff at the beginning of the school year. Learn how to apply tools and skills throughout the school year, in order to maintain strong relationships. Finally, learn how to build relationships and trust with "tough" students and families.

$Diversity and Inclusion in the Classroom

Course #:1842

Date and Time: Mar 7 4:00-5:00

Audience: K-12

Location: EMS Rm 8

Presenter: Alex Siefe

Description: One of the most important things in teaching is creating a safe environment for our students to learn in. LGBTQ+ students are more and more prevalent in our classrooms, and there are high rates of mental illness and suicide due to lack of acceptance. This course is designed to create awareness in educators as to the importance of embracing student diversity, and learning strategies to help LGBTQ+ students feel valued in the classroom.

$ELA Foundational Skills: Phonics

Course #:1844

Date and Time: Mar 3, 4:00-5:00

Audience: Elementary

Location: LSC: McConihe

Presenter: Kelli Yager

Description: Focuses on the next foundational skill: Phonics and the phoneme-grapheme relationship. Participants will be able to explain the importance of accuracy and discuss different explicit phonics instruction activities. Participants will learn about a general phonics lesson plan that can be used with any curriculum.

$ Meaningful Feedback with Screencastify

Course #: 1839

Date and Time: March 10th 4:00-5:00

Audience: K-12

Location: Online

Presenter: Screencastify Trainer/McAtee

Description: Timely, actionable feedback is how our students improve. But, how can teachers find the time to make their feedback personal? With video, of course! Join us for a training all about implementing video feedback that's personal, replayable, and immediately applicable.

$Read and Write Lesson Lab

Course #: 1874

Date and Time: March 8 4:00-5:00

Audience: K-12

Location: Online

Presenter: Nora Trentacoste

Description: Join Texthelper Nora Trentacoste for a session to help facilitate using Read&Write to enhance student learning objectives. Bring any content or strategies you’d like to present to students with Read&Write Support. We’ll integrate the tools with your lesson planning.

$EdPuzzle for Elementary

Course #: 1872

Date and Time: March 23 4:00-5:00

Audience: Elementary

Location: Online

Presenter: Jessica Davie

Description: This training will be "Expanding What We Know in Edpuzzle". Throughout the training, teachers will learn unconventional ways to use Edpuzzle such as Live Mode, Station Rotation, Student Projects and more! By the end of the training teachers will be able to to utilize Edpuzzle’s advanced features to maximize the student user experience in the classroom.

$EdPuzzle for Secondary

Course #: 1873

Date and Time: March 24 3:30-4:30

Audience: Seconary



Presenter: Jessica Davie

Description:This training will be "Expanding What We Know in Edpuzzle". Throughout the training, teachers will learn unconventional ways to use Edpuzzle such as Live Mode, Station Rotation, Student Projects and more! By the end of the training teachers will be able to to utilize Edpuzzle’s advanced features to maximize the student user experience in the classroom.