Helpful Links

Check out these awesome people, programs, and sites!

 There are so many people and sites dedicated to helping writers. For self-publishers, these resources are invaluable. I hope you'll see something here that will encourage you in your own writing. 

Educational Links

Art Resources

Writing Aids & Support

General Help

 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. - Romans 12:18 ESV

 I hope you've enjoyed your visit, maybe even found something helpful or encouraging here. But most of all, I hope you leave this site with a sense of peace in your heart as you continue on your own life journey. If you do, please share it with everyone you meet. 

***** I'm not affiliated with any person or business listed on this page, except for Draft2Digital (as noted above). I will not earn anything from any clicks on this page, except for the Draft2Digital affiliate link which takes you to their website, not their YouTube channel. (Even then, I only earn money when other authors publish their work for the first time, so if you're just checking it out for the educational help, I won't earn anything and that's OK.)

 When I post links, I simply wish to share what I've found helpful with others. *****