Special Day Class

Room P-110

Special Day Class (SDC) for Kindergarten through Fifth Grades

Classroom phone number: 530-741-6121, extension 4122

Ms. Trafford's email: strafford@mjusd.k12.ca.us

Mrs. Neault's email: sneault@mjusd.k12.ca.us

Parents and families are always welcome to call, email, or visit the classroom. We encourage your participation in our cooperative effort to ensure the best educational experience for your special and unique learner.

Learners are expected to complete homework Monday-Thursday nights and turn in their folders daily. The behavior chart in the homework folder will tell you what kind of a day your child had by the number of circles that have been colored in (10 being the best). Daily reading for at least 20 minutes is advised, and should be recorded on the back of the behavior chart. Choices and provileges are optimized for learners with 10 points at the end of the school day. There are also incentives for students who read every night and have 10 points every day for all week.

On the Marysville Joint Unified School District website, there is a "Student" tab which your learner can use to access sites that can enhance educational skills. Each student has their own Google log-on. If your child does not know their log-on information, please call or email Ms. Trafford, and it will be provided. Google log-on is required for Typing Club, among others. McGraw-Hill ConnectED and Renaissance Learning-AR use a log-on format of User name: [first initial], [first four letters of last name] ; Password: [first initial], [last initial]. There is a link to the student website below:

Christmas Songs