MixMode Video Demo Portal

Identity Management Walkthrough

An intro to MixMode's identity management detections and visibility options. 

AWS API Botnet Detection

This demo shows the workflow on how MixMode detected a botnet at a large financial institution

MixMode AI Overview

This walkthrough provides an overview of how MixMode's AI works in the platform.

Abnormal S3 Data Movement

This demo shows how MixMode AI detects abnormal S3 data movement. 

AWS Rejected Connections AI Alert Workflow

In this demo we showcase how to visualize a MixMode rejected connections AI Alert

Detecting Abnormal AWS
User Activity

This walkthrough demonstrates how MixMode AI detects abnormal AWS user activity.

Detecting Lateral Movement

In this demo we walk through a step by step workflow of the MixMode AI Alert on Lateral Movement.

Detecting Command & Control (HTTP Beaconing)

A step by step workflow of the MixMode AI Alert on Command & Control behavior

Risk Prediction on
Abnormal DNS

Walkthrough of how MixMode AI predicts risks based on abnormal DNS

Reducing Alerts with
MixMode AI Assistant 

In this guided demo I will show you how to use the MixMode AI Assistant to focus on the highest priority events in your environment

Combining AI Alerts w/ Rule Based Thresholds

In this demo we will show the power of combining AI based threats with rule based threshold indicators 

Devices Labeling & Entity Enrichment 

This demo covers device labeling and entity enrichment in the MixMode Platform

AWS Abnormal API - EKS k8

This demo covers how users can uncover abnormal AWS API activity.