
I am teaching courses at MIT World Peace University. If you have any specific questions about course topics, feel free to message, I will respond as soon as possible.

Philosophy of Science, Religion/Spirituality

Philosophy of Science and Religion/Spirituality explores the fundamental questions and connections between the scientific method and belief systems. It examines the nature of knowledge, truth, and existence, bridging the gap between empirical inquiry and the metaphysical aspects of life.

Indian Culture, Tradition and Heritage

Indian Culture, Tradition, and Heritage encompass a rich tapestry of customs, beliefs, art forms, and historical legacies that have evolved over millennia. This diverse and vibrant cultural heritage reflects India's ancient civilizations and the fusion of various regional practices, creating a unique and captivating cultural mosaic.

Introduction to Peace Studies

Peace Studies is an interdisciplinary field that explores the causes of conflicts, methods of resolving them, and the promotion of sustainable peace at local, national, and global levels. It examines social, political, and economic factors influencing violence and aims to foster understanding, cooperation, and non-violent solutions to create a more harmonious world.

Conflict Management, Conflict Resolution and Conflict Transformation

Conflict Management, Conflict Resolution, and Conflict Transformation are vital approaches to address disputes and tensions in various settings. Conflict Management focuses on controlling and minimizing conflicts, while Conflict Resolution aims to find mutually acceptable solutions. Conflict Transformation goes beyond resolution, seeking to fundamentally change relationships and structures to promote positive change and sustainable peace.

Science of Happiness and Well-Being

The Science of Happiness and Well-Being delves into the psychological and social factors that contribute to human happiness and overall well-being. Drawing on research from positive psychology and related fields, it seeks to understand the elements that foster contentment, positive emotions, and flourishing lives.