Paper Submission
The paper template can be downloaded from the link given below.
Authors are invited to submit papers in electronic format through Microsoft CMT.
Guidelines for Authors
The first author of the paper should be a student.
The official language of the conference is English, and submitted papers must be devoid of grammatical and typographical errors.
Manuscripts are required to adhere to the formatting guidelines and template document made available on the conference's official webpage.
The submitted work must be original and not concurrently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The length of the paper should not surpass 12 pages.
Manuscripts must be submitted through the designated online submission link, which is accessible both below and on the official conference webpage.
Link to Submit Paper:
Every submitted paper will undergo a rigorous and thorough review process to ensure quality and relevance.
To qualify for publication, at least one of the authors must complete the conference registration process.
Following the Plagiarism Policy, submitted papers are required to undergo a plagiarism check using standard software such as Turnitin.
The overall similarity content should not exceed 20%, with no single source contributing more than 5%, including self-publications.
The acceptance or rejection of any paper will be solely based on the decision of the designated reviewers.