
Important Dates:

  • Monday, February 21: No School, President's Day

Week 23

February 21st - 25th

Curriculum Update

Literacy: In Literacy the past couple weeks we have been focusing on finding and counting syllables in a word. We have also been practicing our sight words a lot as well as encoding letters (hearing the sound of a letter and writing it down.) This will is a great skill to have for when we are writing words on our own. We have been listening to stories and answering comprehension questions and sequencing the parts of the story.

Math: In math we started Module 4 which focuses on number bonds. With number bonds the class is learning to compose and decompose parts into whole numbers. We will also work on story problems with numbers 11-20.

Core Knowledge: Last week we started the next Domain which is Kings and Queens. We are learning about who kings and queens were, what a kingdom was, and if there are any still around today. We will also hear stories that involve kings and queens.

Health: And finally in health we are focusing on healthy foods. We have started talking about what foods are healthy and how they help our bodies to grow.

Week 17

January 10th - 14th

Warm Waterproof Coats: Just a reminder to please send your child to school with a warm waterproof coat that has a hood. It is so important that the kids are able to go outside to get fresh air and run around. Even if it is raining a little, we still want to go outside for recess!

Curriculum Update

Literacy: We have been listening to stories and answering questions about what we read. Also making self to text connections and writing sentences about that. We have been working on phonological awareness by orally segmenting words and counting how many sounds are in a word. Then being able to isolate the beginning, middle and end sounds. We are also practicing our handwriting everyday as well as reading sight words.

Math: Before winter break we focused on 2D and 3D shapes. Your child should be able to recognize the 2D shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle and hexagon and be able to point out the shapes in real life objects. They should be able to name 3D shapes: cube, sphere, pyramid, cylinder, and cone and point those out in real life objects as well. Now we are focusing on measurement using non standard (cubes) and standard (inches) units of measurement. We practiced comparing objects using the words taller than, shorter than, or the same as. Now we have been learning about the measurement of weight and using a balance scale to compare the weight of objects. Soon we will be moving onto volume and capacity.

Core Knowledge/Health: In Core Knowledge our next domain is Native Americans. We will be listening to stories about the Lakota Sioux, Wampanoag, and Lenape tribes as well as local tribes. While learning about Native Americans we will be discussing what family life was like for them, which is what we will focus on in Health.

Important Dates:

  • Thursday, November 11th: No School, Veterans Day

  • Friday, October 29: No School, Teacher Report Card Prep

  • Wednesday, November 24th - Friday, November 26th: No School, Fall Break

Week 10

November 8th - 12th

Report Cards: Report cards will be sent home Friday, November 19th.

Take Home Folders: Make sure to help your child remember to check their Take Home Folder each night. Take out any papers that are coming home. These papers would include returned schoolwork and flyers or important school information. Sometimes it will come home empty, but it is still good to get your child in the habit of having that responsibility.

Class Dojo: I am working on setting up a Class Dojo account for our class. I will not be tracking behavior points on the account since we do that with PAWs in the classroom. I will try to post pictures and updates of things happening in the classroom. I hope this will help you get a better understanding and glimpse of what is happening in the classroom. You can also message me or ask questions there as well. I will include the link to join the class in an email, you will have to sign up and join the class through your child’s name. I will start posting on Class Dojo as soon as I am able.


Curriculum Update:

Literacy: In Literacy we are working on letter sounds and separating CVC (Consonant Vowel Consonant) words into the individual sounds, focusing on the first sounds. We will be starting letter writing in our Handwriting Notebooks. We have also started learning vocabulary words. So far the words are: snatch, furious, comfort, and welcome.

Math: We are finishing up Module 1 that has focused on counting to tell the number of objects, counting and cardinality, and know number names and count sequence. Here is a link to the Family Newsletter for Module 1. At the end of next week we will start Module 2 which focuses on Geometry and identifying and describing shapes.

Core Knowledge: We have started the domain on Seasons and Weather. In the listening and learning portion we have been hearing stories from a girl who lives in Washington DC. She has told us about the types of weather they have there throughout the year. We have compared each season to weather we see here in each season and found a lot of similarities and some differences.

Health: In health we are focusing on staying safe with important safety rules for at home and during play.

Week 7

October 18th - 22nd

Parent Conferences: If you have not already please use the link I sent in an email to sign up for a conference time. All of these conferences will be taking place on Zoom. I look forward to meeting with you all this week! Thank you!


Curriculum Update:

Literacy: This past week we we sang songs “Ants Go Marching” and “The More We Get Together” and identified sight words we heard. This week we will read the book Hands Can and learn the sight word can. We will continue working on rhyming words and first sound fluency.

Math: We will practice writing numbers 1-10 as well as counting objects. We will also practice finding hidden partners within numbers 6-10.

Core Knowledge: Last week we heard stories that are familiar to us such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Then we listened to other versions of those stories and created a venn diagram to compare and contrast. We will continue practicing that skill as well as identifying the characters, setting, and plot in a story.

Week 6

October 11th - 15th

Our Table Farm Field Trip: Our field trip to the farm is Wednesday, October 27th. We will be leaving school at 9:30am and returning at 12:30pm. I have already notified parents who will be chaperones for this field trip. If you were not notified and wanted to come, we will be taking a few more of these field trips this year, so hopefully you will be able to come then! If you have not filled out the permission form for the field trip, you can do so by clicking on the link below.

Our Table Farm Field Trip Permission Form

Parent Conferences: We have Parent Conferences coming up in just a couple weeks on Thursday, October 28th. All of these conferences will be taking place on Zoom. Tomorrow I will send out a sing up form for you to pick a time for a 15 minute block where we will discuss your child’s academic and behavioral progress so far this year.

Scholastic Book Orders: Below is information about Scholastic Book Orders.

For all Scholastic Book Orders you can choose to have your books shipped to your home or delivered to me with our class order.

With a $25 order, you can pick a FREE $5 Book (use code: READS).

Class Order Due Date: 10/22/21

Our Class Code: WFTZ2

Shop Our Class Page: https://orders.scholastic.com/WFTZ2

Shop Digital Flyers for Our Grade with Your Child: https://clubs.scholastic.com/kindergarten

Thank you for your support!



Curriculum Update:

Literacy: This past week we the book I Went Walking. We practiced reading the story chorally as well and identifying sight words such as I, and, the, see, a in the text. We have also continued practicing letter names and sounds. We started practicing writing pre-writing lines before we get into writing letters.

Math: This past week we worked on numbers 6, 7, and 8 and finding all of their hidden pairs as well as writing those numbers. We practiced an AB pattern as well as an ABB pattern. Students also continued to identify pictures that were the same or different in a set.

Core Knowledge: We began our next Domain called “Stories”. In this domain the students are listening to stories that are fables or folktales from all over the world. A few stories they have heard are The Bremen Town Musicians, Momotaro Peach Boy, and The Story of Jumping Mouse. We will continue to hear more stories and compare them to other versions of those stories we have heard.

Week 4

September 27th - October 1st

Picture day: Monday, October 4th is Picture Day! Don’t forget to order online or fill out the picture packet and send it to school in your child’s take home folder. Your child does not have to wear uniform clothes on this day. If your child wears nice shoes, make sure to send shoes for recess!

Our Table Field Trip: Our first Our Table Farm field trip will be on Wednesday, October 27th from 10am-12pm. Please fill out the digital permission form I have sent in an email. I am still working on what volunteers will be accompanying our class. I will let you know soon!

Label Items: Please check and make sure the clothing items you have at home do not have another child’s name. We have some missing clothing items and they are not in the lost and found so it is possible another child took home someone else's sweatshirt by mistake. Thank you!

Curriculum Update:

Literacy: This past week we read a book with no words called The Alphabet. That helped to teach us that books can be read other than reading the words, but reading the pictures as well. We have continued to discuss the letters of the alphabet as well as started identifying words that rhyme with each other. This week we will continue rhyming as well as discussing letter names.

Math: This past week we started splitting numbers into two numbers to find their hidden partners. We also practiced making and continuing an AB pattern. This week we will practice writing out numbers correctly and continuing to identify hidden partners within a number.

Core Knowledge: We finished out Nursery Rhyme Domain and was able to discuss and sequence the order of events in a nursery rhyme. We will start the next domain of “Stories” this next week. A few of the stories we will hear are “Chicken Little”, “The Three Little Pigs”, and “Three Bill Goats Gruff”.

Week 3

September 20th - 24th

Our Table Field Trip: Our first Our Table Farm field trip will be on Wednesday, October 27th from 10am-12pm. We will need 2-3 volunteers to come and help at the farm. Volunteers must be vaccinated and show proof of vaccination to Keri Butler. Volunteers must also transport themselves and meet us at the farm. Masks must also be worn the entire time. Let me know if you would like to volunteer and it may be chosen by first come first serve. It is very exciting that we are able to go on a field trip!

Label Items: Please make sure you are labeling all of your children's clothing, especially sweatshirts and coats. As well as water bottles, lunch boxes, and food containers. Try to avoid packing any food containers that are glass, as we have had glass containers break putting us in an unsafe situation. Thank you!

Curriculum Update:

Literacy: Last week we started discussing what it means to learn as a community. It is important that we all do our part for us to have successful learning experiences. We read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and discussed the letters of the alphabet. This week we will continue to explore the alphabet by practicing letter names, reading our friends names, and listening to stories about the alphabet.

Math: Last week we started comparing objects and discussing how they are the same and how they are different. This week we will start identifying numbers 1-10 as well as practicing how to write them.

Core Knowledge: This week we learned and sang these nursery rhymes: This Little Pig Went to the Market, One Two Buckle My Shoe, Star Light Star Bright, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Hickory Dickory Dock, Diddle Diddle Dumpling, Little Bo Peep, Little Boy Blue, Baa Baa Black Sheep, and Humpty Dumpty. We will learn a few more this week as well as practice sequencing in order what happens in each nursery rhyme.

Week 2

September 13th - 17th

Helpful Classroom Information:

Take Home Folders: Thank you for taking the time to remove any papers that your child’s take home folder each evening. And thank you for returning it in their backpack the next day!

Snack: Just a reminder to please pack your child’s snack in a separate place in their backpack from their lunchbox. It is also very helpful if you let your child know where in their backpack they can find it. Instead of digging through their lunchboxes to find their snacks, it takes much less time to grab their snack from their backpack and go outside!


Curriculum Update:

Literacy: This week we focused on listening to stories, asking comprehension questions, and telling what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story. This next week we will continue to listen and answer questions.

Math: This week we focused on counting and identifying numbers 1-10, we also started practicing writing our numbers correctly. We will start Eureka math next week Module 1, Lessons 1-5.

Core Knowledge: This week we started our Nursery Rhymes Domain. We learned and sang these nursery rhymes: Roses Are Red, Ring Around the Rosie, Rain, Rain Go Away, It’s Raining, It’s Pouring, Jack Be Nimble, Little Jack Horner, Jack and Jill, and Little Miss Muffet. This week we will learn and sing ten more nursery rhymes.

Apples: We finished our unit on Apples. It was fun to hear of all the things the class already knew about apples. We learned about how apples grow, how they get from the farm to the store, parts of the apple, what the inside of an apple looks like, Johnny Appleseed, and more! Ask your child what they learned and what was their favorite part!

Important Dates:

  • Thursday, June 17: Last Day of School

  • Thursday, June 17: End of the School Year Parade ~ 4pm-5:30pm

Week 38

June 14th - 17th

This is the last week of school!

Parade: I hope to see everyone at the parade on Thursday! It is a drive thru parade from 4-5:30pm. Decorate your cars if you want! This will be a great way to end the year, see you there!

Supplies: If you have found any school supplies that you think should be returned to school, either ask me or send them with your child when they come for in person school. I am still missing several of the Kit Reader Books and plastic dry erase pockets (see pictures below).

Weekly Assignments: There will not be any assignments that your child will need to complete on their at home days that will need to be turned in. The document is updated with other information.

Ordway Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: Last chance to access my Virtual Classroom! It is in the Classwork section of the Google Classroom. Your child can access this for books and videos on their at home Hybrid days.


Codebreaker: Assessments and Review

Math: Assessments and Review

Core Knowledge: We will take this time to do some fun end of the year activities!

Read Aloud: We will be reading stories about summer and the end of the school year!

Week 37

June 7th - 11th

Only two more weeks of school left! We will be busy getting as much learning in as possible before school is out for the summer!

Take Home Folders: Keep checking and returning those folders every in person school day! Don't forget to leave the green Spelling and Sentence Writing Workbooks in the folder! I check their folders every in person school day to see if they are completing the schoolwork assigned on their hybrid days. It also helps me to see their progress when working more independently.

Weekly Assignments: Here is the link to the Weekly Assignments document. This is to help your child keep track of what work should be getting done when at home.

Ordway Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: My Virtual Classroom for this week is in the Classwork section of the Google Classroom. Your child can access this for books and videos on their at home Hybrid days.


Codebreaker: We will learn new words Monday and Tuesday, those words are: say, black, three. Then we will start reviewing all the spelling words we have learned as well as practicing phonograms and letter sounds.

Math: Module 5, Lessons 14-17

Core Knowledge: We will be revisiting the story of the Goldilocks and the Three Bears and the Three Billy Goats Gruff, and listening to different versions of those classic stories.

Read Aloud: We will continue to read Ramona and Her Father.

Week 36

May 31st - June 4th

Take Home Folders: Please check your child’s take home folders after every in person school day. Take out any returned work or important letters from the school. Thank you for continuing to make sure the green Spelling and Sentence Writing Workbooks are staying in their take home folders and being brought back to school.

Scholastic Book Order: When checking out there should be an option to have books shipped directly to your house. Make sure to select that option because when the books are shipped we may already be out of school for summer.

Use this link to order through our class account:


Class Code: WFTZ2

Due Date: June 6, 2021

Weekly Assignments: Here is the link to the Weekly Assignments document. This is to help your child keep track of what work should be getting done when at home.

Ordway Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: My Virtual Classroom for this week is in the Classwork section of the Google Classroom. Your child can access this for books and videos on their at home Hybrid days.


Codebreaker: This week there will be new words Wednesday and Thursday only. Words: now, ride, why, come . We will be reviewing all letter sounds and phonograms.

Math: Module 5, Lessons 12 & 13

Core Knowledge: We will be revisiting the story of the Three Little Pigs and comparing and contrasting different versions.

Read Aloud: We will continue to read Ramona and Her Father.

Week 35

May 24th - 28th

Take Home Folders: Any returned work or important letters from the school that comes home in your child’s folder can be taken out. They can also keep their Module 4, Learn Math Workbook at home as well. Thank you for continuing to make sure the green Spelling and Sentence Writing Workbooks are staying in their take home folders and being brought back to school.

Scholastic Book Order: Would like to purchase books for your child to read over the summer? Buy them through our class Scholastic Book Order Account to give our class points for free books!

When checking out there should be an option to have books shipped directly to your house. Make sure to select that option because when the books are shipped we may already be out of school for summer.

Use this link to order with our class code:


Class Code: WFTZ2

Due Date: June 6, 2021

Weekly Assignments: Here is the link to the Weekly Assignments document. This is to help your child keep track of what work should be getting done when at home.

Ordway Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: My Virtual Classroom for this week is in the Classwork section of the Google Classroom. Your child can access this for books and videos on their at home Hybrid days.


Codebreaker: This week there will be new words each day your child is in the classroom. Words: read, into, did, who, white, where, down, brown. We will be reviewing all letter sounds and phonograms as well as learning the ir and er phonograms.

Math: Module 5, Lessons 8-11

Core Knowledge: We will be revisiting fairytales and hearing stories retold from different cultures.

Read Aloud: We will continue to read Ramona and Her Father.

Week 34

May 17th - 21st

Take Home Folders: Keep checking your child’s take home folder every day they come home from an in person school day in case of important letters or returned work. Thank you for continuing to make sure the green Spelling and Sentence Writing Workbooks are staying in their take home folders and being brought back to school.

Learn Math Workbooks: We will be moving onto Module 5 in math so I sent home your child’s Learn Math Workbook for Module 4. There are pages that we did not complete in school - if you would like your child to have extra practice they may complete any pages from that book on their own. This would only be extra practice and does not need to be returned to me. We need to move onto the next module so that all math skills are taught for Kindergarten (we did not skip over any new content.)

Weekly Assignments: Here is the link to the Weekly Assignments document. This is to help you and your child keep track of what work should be getting done when at home.

Ordway Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: My Virtual Classroom for this week is in the "Classwork" section of my Google Classroom. Your child can access this for books and videos on their at home Hybrid days.


Codebreaker: This week there will be new words each day your child is in the classroom. Words: fly, dry, my, good, look, food, book, please, chick, beach, sea/see, think. We will be reviewing all letter sounds and phonograms as well as learning the oo phonogram.

Math: Module 5, Lessons 4-7

Core Knowledge: We will finish our domain of President’s and Symbols with learning more about bald eagles and flags.

Read Aloud: We started the chapter book Ramona and Her Father last week and I will continue to read it this week.

Week 33

May 10th - 14th

Take Home Folders: Keep checking your child’s take home folder every day they come home from an in person school day in case of important letters or returned work. Thank you for continuing to make sure the green Spelling and Sentence Writing Workbooks are staying in their take home folders and being brought back to school.

Weekly Assignments: Here is the link to the Weekly Assignments document. This is to help your child keep track of what work should be getting done when at home.

Ordway Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: My Virtual Classroom for this week is in the Classwork section of the Google Classroom. Your child can access this for books and videos on their at home Hybrid days.


Codebreaker: This week there will be new words each day your child is in the classroom. Words: away, camp, flat, flip, back, peck, lick, rock, duck. We will also be reviewing letter sounds and phonograms.

Math: Module 4, Lessons 29, 32, 36, 41

Core Knowledge: We will continue to learn about Presidents and American Symbols.

Read Aloud: We will pick up where we left off when we were reading the Ramona series with Ramona and Her Father.

Week 32

May 3rd - 7th

Take Home Folders: Thank you for continuing to make sure the green Spelling and Sentence Writing Workbooks are staying in their take home folders and being brought back to school. Any loose papers I am returning can be taken out (unless I specify otherwise) because they are things I am sending home. They can keep their calendars, weather graphs, and spelling lists in the folder to use on at home hybrid days.

Weekly Assignments: Here is the link to the Weekly Assignments document. This is to help your child keep track of what work should be getting done when at home.

Ordway Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: My Virtual Classroom for this week is in the Classwork section of the Google Classroom. Your child can access this for books and videos on their at home Hybrid days.


Codebreaker: This week there will be new words each day your child is in the classroom. Words: tree, swam, swim, fish, skip, eat, saw, draw, frog, log, play, day. We will also be reviewing the phonograms and learning new phonograms: aw and ck.

Math: Module 4, Mid Module Assessment and Lessons 25 & 26

Core Knowledge: We will finish learning about different forces and start the next domain that is Presidents and Symbols.

Read Aloud: I will continue to read stories from Beatrix Potter’s Treasury.

Week 31

April 26th - 30th

Take Home Folders: I told the kids to make sure they have their take home folder with them anytime they are doing school, whether at home or in person. The green Spelling and Sentence Writing Workbooks should stay in that folder and only be taken out when working in it. Any loose papers I am returning can be taken out (unless I specify otherwise) because they are things I am sending home. They can keep their calendars, weather graphs, and spelling lists in the folder to use on at home hybrid days.

Dojo Points: I have been rewarding the kids with Dojo points in the classroom mainly for following directions quickly and listening. Some are almost ready to earn a prize! I am going to start giving points for their homework being returned on in person days. This includes math workbook pages and the practice that Mrs. E helps them with in their green Codebreaker workbook. I hope this will encourage them to complete their homework on days they are at home.

Virtual Classroom: My Virtual Classroom for this week is in the Classwork section of the Google Classroom. Your child can access this for books and videos on their at home Hybrid days.

Virtual Classroom - Google Classroom

Weekly Assignments: Here is the link to the Weekly Assignments document. This is to help your child keep track of what work should be getting done when at home.

Ordway Weekly Assignments


Codebreaker: This week there will be new word each day your child is in the classroom. Words: sun, ten, cut, find, old, hole, like, lake, make, ate, spot, green.

Math: Module 4, Lessons 21-24

Core Knowledge: Force - Gravity & Friction

Read Aloud: I will continue to read stories from Beatrix Potter’s Treasury.

Week 30

April 19th - 23rd

Take Home Folders: Thank you for making sure the kids’ take home folders are coming back to school with their Codebreaker Spelling and Sentence Writing Workbooks in them! That has been a huge help.

Bring To School: If you have not already can you look for a couple items around your house and send them with your child on their next in person school day? Those items include:

  • Plastic clear dry erase pocket

  • Kit Reader (book that is red and white)

Google Classroom: All information for at home learning is posted weekly in my Google Classroom. I have sent an invite to all kids’ school email accounts. Please accept the invite so you can access this information through your child’s email account. If you need the invitation to be resent to your child’s email account please let me know.

Virtual Classroom: My Virtual Classroom for this week is in the Classwork section of the Google Classroom. Your child can access this for books and videos on their at home Hybrid days. Ordway Google Classroom - Classwork

Ordway Weekly Assignments: Here is the link to the Weekly Assignments document. This is to help your child keep track of what work should be getting done when at home.


Codebreaker: This week there will only be new words on Wednesday (Rabbits) and Thursday(Bunnies). Those words are: up, us, by, want, this, that.

Math: Module 4, Lessons 19-20

Core Knowledge: Magnets - Force and Motion

Read Aloud: I will continue to read stories from Beatrix Potter’s Treasury.

Week 29

April 12th - 16th

Take Home Folders: The take home folders are the clear folders I have sent home with a sticker labeled “Take Home Folders”. Those are the folders that have to come back to school every day for in person school. They must have their tall green Codebreaker Spelling and Sentence writing workbook in it as that is where we write our new words at school. They can also keep the calendar and weather graph I sent home in it last week as well.

Bring To School: If your child did not bring these items back to school already, can you check at home and send them with your child in their backpack on their next in person school day. Those items include:

  • Plastic clear dry erase pocket

  • Kit Reader (book that is red and white)

Google Classroom: All information for at home learning is posted weekly in my Google Classroom. I have sent an invite to all kids’ school email accounts. Please accept the invite so you can access this information through your child’s email account. If you need the invitation to be resent to your child’s email account please let me know.

Ordway Weekly Assignments: This document has all the assignments listed for at home learning as well as supplies needed. Please read!

Codebreaker Spelling Homework Video: Mrs. Ottley has created a video explaining how to do the Codebreaker at home spelling practice. You can watch this video to see how it is done. Mrs. E will be supporting the kids to complete the part during her Zoom Codebreaker time.

Codebreaker Spelling Lists Links: I will be sending home copies of the Spelling List 1, 2, & 3 this week. If you need another copy, here are the links for you to print them if you would like.

Spelling List 1

Spelling List 2

Spelling List 3

Class Dojo: If you have not already, below if the link to sign up with our class on ClassDojo. Connect with your child’s name to see their progress of how they are doing in class. This is also a great place to send me a quick message if needed as well. As your child earns points for great behavior they will be able to earn rewards. Ordway ClassDojo Parent Sign Up Invite


Codebreaker: New words - all, an, end, jump, last, man, stop, what, with, win, wet, was

Math: Module 4, Lessons 14-17

Core Knowledge: Taking Care of the Earth

Read Aloud: Beatrix Potter Treasury

Week 27

March 29th - April 2nd

Monday and Tuesday: We will continue school with the CDL schedule and the same Zoom links we have been using. NO READ ALOUD/SMALL GROUPS Monday and Tuesday.

Hybrid Cohorts: Join me Tuesday at 2PM on my Zoom link for a tour of our classroom.

This is going to be an exciting week! We will be experiencing a lot of change, and we will work together to help the kids get comfortable with this new schedule. Please review the health protocols and other important information posted on the MITCH website.

I am calling our classroom “Mrs. Ordway’s Meadow” and instead of calling the classes Cohort C and Cohort D - my Monday/Wednesday class will be the Rabbits and my Tuesday/Thursday class will be the Bunnies. I will have carrots around the room to remind us of social distancing and other fun things to make all the health protocols fun.

Cohort Lists

Mrs. Ordway's Meadow Daily Schedule

Weekly Assignments - KC & Hybrid Cohorts

Supply list for items to bring back to school

Google Classroom - Virtual Classroom, Assignments, etc.

*Hybrid students will receive a "take-home-envelope" for items that travel to and from school. Stayed tuned for more information.

Math: Module 4, Lesson 7-10 ~ Homework will be done at home on the Hybrid at home days. This will be the pages in the Succeed Workbook (Ladybug Book) for each lesson. Send finished pages back to school on your child’s in person school days.

Core Knowledge: Taking Care of the Earth

Codebreaker: Students will receive a new spelling workbook. Stay tuned for a video explanation of what the homework expectation is for Codebreaker and Spelling.

codebreakeracademy.com - Use the videos for supplemental practice.

Reading: Kit book, Spelling Lists 1-3, and Epic Read Aloud Stories


Mrs. Hill (PE):

  • No Recess this week

  • Kindergarten: 10am

    • Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. : Warm-up, Heart Rates Up, Roblox workout, breakout rooms

    • Wednesday (Toads/Bunnies): LIVE Zoom P.E.: Warm-up, Bounce Generation, Guess Who workout, calm down stretches

    • Thursday (Frogs/Rabbits): LIVE Zoom P.E.: Warm-up, Bounce Generation, Guess Who workout, calm down stretches

Mrs. Wong (Music/Art):

MITCH Music Website - Resources to use at home

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Week 26

March 15th - 19th

Change to Hybrid School: On Wednesday, March 31st we will be starting a new schedule. There will be the in person Hybrid Schedule and a new full CDL Schedule. Lists of what days your child will be going into the building for school or who their CDL teacher will be is coming out this week. My plan was to keep things as normal as possible up until Wednesday, March 31st. I don’t plan to bring it up to the class until closer to the time but if kids ask during class I will talk with them about it and answer their questions the best I can. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time of big change.

Scholastic Book Order: If you are interested, you can place your orders online at scholastic.com/bookclubs using my class activation code: WFTZ2

Class Code - WFTZ2

Class Order Due Date - 03/19/21

For this week....

Weekly Assignments: Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: Week 26 Virtual Classroom - Google Classroom

Math: Module 4 Lessons 3-6

*Throw away/recycle the Bumblebee (Learn) and the Ladybug (Succeed) book that we have gone all the way through.

Core Knowledge: Taking Care of the Earth

Codebreaker: We will practice letter sounds and phonograms as well as learn new phonograms: ng and ar. Then we will learn new words and write some sentences.

**Students will need their Spelling and Sentence Practice book (rainbow sticker) for Codebreaker and their English Codebreaker Notebook for small groups.

Reading: Sights words from Spelling List 2

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of : Mar 15-18th

Monday: Drawing Day- 4 leaf clover

Tuesday: Show and Tell/Eye Spy

Wednesday: Dance Party

Thursday: Breakout Room with Friends

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. : Warm-up, Jump Stamina, Safety/Awareness: Helmet safety, Kung Fu Hero workout

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.: :Warm-up, Jump Stamina, Safety/Awareness:Bike Hand Signals, Minecraft FItness Run

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Week 25

March 8th - 12th

Scholastic Book Order: If you are interested, you can place your orders online at scholastic.com/bookclubs using my class activation code: WFTZ2

Class Code - WFTZ2

Class Order Due Date - 03/19/21

For this week....

Weekly assignments: Check the weekly assignments document to help your child keep track of workbook pages, Codebreaker lessons, manipulatives needed, etc.

Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: I have created a new virtual classroom for this week. If you can help your child make this accessible to them on their Chromebook that would be very helpful. *NOTE* even if pictures are the same, the link has been changed.

Week 25 Virtual Classroom - Ordway Google Classroom

Math: Module 3, Lesson 32 and start Module 4 Lessons 1-2

*After we finish Lesson 32 you can throw away/recycle the Bumblebee (Learn) and the Ladybug (Succeed) book that we have gone all the way through. Module 4 will start with the new workbooks you got in the last supply pick up.

Codebreaker: We will practice letter sounds and phonograms and do a lot of review of the words we have already earned. As well as write sentences when we have time. I will teach them the new phonogram: ow and ar.

Below is a picture of the back of the second page of their “Spelling and Sentence Practice” book (rainbow sticker book). Please check and make sure your child has these words written on that page so far. If they do not, can you help them to get caught up?

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of :Mar 8-11th

Monday: Drawing Day!

Tuesday: Eye Spy

Wednesday: Dance Party

Thursday: Breakout Room with Friends

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. : Warm-up, Jump Stamina, Safety/Awareness: Bike Safety, Self Challenge pt1

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.: :Warm-up, Jump Stamina, Safety/Awareness:Walk Safety, Self Challenge

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Week 24

March 1st - 5th

100th Day of School: The 100th Day of School is Tuesday, March 2nd. In the white envelope labeled “100 Day Activities March 2” that came in the new supply bag there are a lot of fun 100 Day activities. We will be doing those together throughout the day on Tuesday. It would be nice if the kids did not get into the envelope before Tuesday. EXCEPT in the envelope there is a worksheet that says “100 Things, In The Bag!” - have your child count 100 of something and put in a big ziploc bag (examples: pennies, legos, crayons, buttons, etc.) before Tuesday morning. During our Morning Meeting the kids can share what they collected. Read the sheet in the white envelope for more details!

Reading Buddies: We will have reading buddies this Friday after our morning meeting at 9am! The kids will stay on my Zoom link and take a quick break after our meeting before we start with 5th grade.

For this week....

Weekly assignments: Check the weekly assignments document to help your child keep track of workbook pages, Codebreaker lessons, manipulatives needed, etc.

Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: I have created a new virtual classroom for this week. If you can help your child make this accessible to them on their chromebook that would be very helpful. *NOTE* even if pictures are the same, the link has been changed.

Week 24 Virtual Classroom - Google Classroom

Math: Module 3, Lessons 29-31

Core Knowledge: We wills start the Colonial Towns domain with listening to stories - The Little Gray Pony, The Elves and the Shoemaker, and Stone Soup.

Codebreaker: We will practice letter sounds and phonograms and learn new words. As well as write sentences when we have time. I will teach them new phonograms: ou and ow.

It is important for your child to be doing Codebreaker practice during independent work time. They can use the videos on Codebreaker Academy for how and what to practice. Watching those videos several times is very important. Repetition is key when learning the sounds, phonograms, and spelling words. Let me know if you need help accessing Codebreaker Academy.

Below is a picture of the front of the second page of their “Spelling and Sentence Practice” book (rainbow book). Please check and make sure your child has these words written on that page so far. If they do not, can you help them to get caught up?

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of :Mar 1-4th

Monday: Friend Drawing!

Tuesday: Eye Spy

Wednesday: Dance Party

Thursday: Breakout Room with Friends

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. : Warm-up, Jump Stamina, Safety/Awareness: CPR, Fire Ninja Challenge

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.: :Warm-up, Jump Stamina, Safety/Awareness:Stroke, Shark Challenge2

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Important Dates:

  • Thursday, February 25th: Supply Pick Up, anytime after 3pm

  • Friday, February 26th: No School - Teacher Professional Development Day

Week 23

February 22nd - 26th

Supply Pick Up: This Thursday, February 25th will be our next supply pick up. Stop by the outside of the front of the school anytime after 3pm for the next envelope of supplies. When you take your child’s envelope please return the other envelope you already have with their completed work inside. I will also be emailing you ahead of time and asking what prize/book your child would like if they have earned enough Dojo points for either. That will be in their supply envelopes as well.

For this week....

Weekly assignments: Check the weekly assignments document to help your child keep track of workbook pages, Codebreaker lessons, manipulatives needed, etc.

Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: I have created a new virtual classroom for this week. If you can help your child make this accessible to them on their Chromebook that would be very helpful. *NOTE* even if pictures are the same, the link has been changed.

Week 23 Virtual Classroom - Google Classroom

Math: Module 3, Lessons 25-28

Core Knowledge: This week we will finish our study on Christopher Columbus and start learning about Colonial Towns and Townspeople.

Codebreaker: We will continue to practice letters and phonograms as well as spelling new words. Then we will start writing trickier sentences.

Below is a picture of the front of the second page of their “Spelling and Sentence Practice” book (rainbow sticker book). I have noticed that focus during Codebreaker has been very difficult lately. Please check and make sure your child has these words written on that page so far. If they do not, can you help them to get caught up?

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of :Feb 22-25th

Monday: Heart Draw Party

Tuesday: Show and Tell

Wednesday: Dance Party

Thursday: Breakout Room with Friends

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. : Kids Heart Challenge! Jump Stamina, Week 2 Mission, Heart Facts

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.: Kids Heart Challenge! Jump Stamina, Week 2 Mission, Heart Facts

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Week 22

February 15th - 19th

Reading Buddies: Reading buddies will be this Friday after our morning meeting at 9am! The kids will stay on my Zoom link and take a quick break after our meeting before we start reading buddies.

For this week....

Weekly assignments: Check the weekly assignments document to help your child keep track of workbook pages, Codebreaker lessons, manipulatives needed, etc.

Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: I have created a new virtual classroom for this week. If you can help your child make this accessible to them on their chromebook that would be very helpful. *NOTE* even if pictures are the same, the link has been changed.

Week 22 Virtual Classroom - Google Classroom

Math: Module 3, Lessons 23-25

Core Knowledge: This week we will start our next domain that is Columbus and the Pilgrims. We will listen to stories about “Spice Seekers”, “Ferdinand and Isabella”, and “1492”.

Codebreaker: We will continue to practice letter and phonogram sounds. We will also start Spelling List 2 words during Codebreaker time.

This is what their Spelling and Sentence Practice book should look like so far: (page 1)

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of :Feb 15-18th

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Heart Draw Party

Wednesday: Dance Party

Thursday: Breakout Room with Friends

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. : No School

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.: Kids Heart Challenge! Jump Stamina, Week 1 Mission, Heart Facts

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Week 21

February 8th - 12th

Class Dojo: Be sure to sign in to see your child’s progress! Let me know if you need the link to sign up. This helps me communicate how your child is doing in class much easier.

Reading Buddies: Reading buddies will be this Friday after our morning meeting at 9am! The kids will stay on my Zoom link and take a quick break after our meeting before we start reading buddies.

DIBELS Assessment: On Wednesday, February 10th at time TBA people from TTSD will be in our Zoom meeting to pull kids to a breakout room and conduct the DIBELS test. We do not normally have a Zoom meeting during that time, so Codebreaker is cancelled that day - instead please have your child join class at the time I let you know of beforehand.

Scholastic Book Orders:

Class Order Due Date: 02/12/21

Connect and Shop Our Class Page: https://orders.scholastic.com/WFTZ2

Shop the flyers for our grade with your child: https://scholastic-clubs.mydigitalpublication.com/publication/?i=688996

Class Code: WFTZ2

For this week....

Weekly assignments: Check the weekly assignments document to help your child keep track of workbook pages, Codebreaker lessons, manipulatives needed, etc.

Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: I have created a new virtual classroom for this week. If you can help your child make this accessible to them on their Chromebook that would be very helpful. *NOTE* even if pictures are the same, the link has been changed.

Week 21 Virtual Classroom - Google Classroom

Math: Module 3, Lessons 19-21

Codebreaker: This week we reviewed all letters and phonograms. We will learn phonograms: oy and oi. We will continue to practice letters and phonograms as well as spelling new words.

This is what their Spelling and Sentence Practice book should look like so far: Front and back of the first page

Here is the Spelling List 1, if you would like to print it out and have your kids practice these words more on their own:


Core Knowledge: This week we will continue to learn about kings and queens and hearing fairytale stories that involve royalty.

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of :Feb 8-12th

Monday: Throw and Catch Contest

Tuesday: Heart Facts!

Wednesday: Dance Party

Thursday: Breakout Room with Friends


Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. : Kids Heart Challenge! Jump Stamina, Throwing/Catching

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.: Kids Heart Challenge! Jump Stamina, 25 ways to move

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Week 20

February 1st - 5th

Class Dojo: Sign up for our Class Dojo so you can be connected and see how well your child is participating. I also will track areas that your child might need work on like participation during meetings, leaving meetings early, etc. They will get to redeem points for a fun reward! Through Class Dojo I can also communicate concerns or praises easier than emailing. Be sure to sign in to see your child’s progress! Let me know if you need the link to sign up.

Reading Buddies: This week was our first Reading Buddies! From now on it will take place on my Zoom link, which will be much easier for the kids. We will not have buddies this week because we have no school on Friday, but we will the Friday after!

For this week....

Weekly assignments: Check the weekly assignments document to help your child keep track of workbook pages, Codebreaker lessons, manipulatives needed, etc.

Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: I have created a new virtual classroom for this week. If you can help your child make this accessible to them on their Chromebook that would be very helpful. NOTE* even if pictures are the same, the link has been changed.

Week 20 Virtual Classroom - Google Classroom

Math: Module 3, Lessons 15-18

Codebreaker: This week we reviewed all letters and phonograms. This week we will learn new phonograms: ay and ai. Next week we will continue to practice letters and phonograms as well as spelling new words.

This is what their Spelling and Sentence Practice book should look like so far: Page 1 and page 2

Core Knowledge: This week during our read aloud time we will be learning about kings and queens and hearing fairytale stories that involve royalty.

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of :Feb 1- 4th

Monday: Show and Tell/Tell a Joke Monday

Tuesday: Paper Airplanes

Wednesday: Dance Party

Thursday: Breakout Room with Friends

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. : Dance warm-up, Shark activity, Breathe cool down

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.: Warm-up, Clap and Catch, Yoga cool down

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Week 19

January 25th - 29th

Class Dojo: With the email I sent a few days ago - make sure you sign in and select your child so you can be connected to see your child’s progress. I will be giving points for participation and completing assignments. I also will track areas that your child might need work on like participation during meetings, leaving meetings early, etc. They will get to redeem points for a fun reward! Through Class Dojo I can also communicate concerns or praises easier than emailing. Be sure to sign in to see your child’s progress!

Reading Buddies: Starting next Friday the 5th graders want to read to the kindergarteners! After the morning meeting at 9am your child can join the 5th grade Zoom meeting where they will then be put into a group with a 5th grader who will read them a book. This will not be a long meeting and I will send the link to the Zoom meeting by email closer to next Friday.

For this week....

Weekly assignments: Check the weekly assignments document to help your child keep track of workbook pages, Codebreaker lessons, manipulatives needed, etc.

Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: I have posted the virtual classroom for this week in my Google Classroom. If you can help your child make this accessible to them on their Chromebook that would be very helpful.

Week 19 Virtual Classroom - Google Classroom

Math: Module 3, Lessons 11-14

Codebreaker: This week we reviewed all letters and phonograms. We learned the new phonograms: ee and ea. We also started learning the spelling process with simple words. Next week we will continue to practice letters and phonograms as well as spelling new words.

This is what their Spelling and Sentence Practice book should look like so far:

Core Knowledge: Next week Ms. Blood will join us again for another lesson about farms. I will also be emailing about the assignment the kids should have finished next Thursday and I will post it in Google Classroom as well. We will continue Domain 6: Seasons/Weather with a focus spring/rain.

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of :Jan 25-28th

Monday: Let’s Draw!

Tuesday: Rock Paper Scissor Competition

Wednesday: Dance Party

Thursday: Breakout Room with Friends

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. : Activity Log Check-in, warm-up Virtual Gym

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.: Activity Log, warm-up, Scavenger Hunt, Cool down

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Week 18

January 18th - 22nd

For this week…

Weekly assignments: Check the weekly assignments document to help your child keep track of workbook pages, Codebreaker lessons, manipulatives needed, etc.

Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: I have created a virtual classroom that I hope your child will be able to use to access Codebreaker video lessons, books to read on Epic, and other fun activity videos. If you can help your child make this accessible to them on their chromebook that would be very helpful.

Virtual Classroom - Google Classroom

Math: Module 3, Lessons 8-10

Codebreaker: We spent this last week reviewing letters and phonograms as well as starting to spell simple words. We will continue to practice letter sounds and phonograms everyday as well as learning the steps to spelling. There will also be videos assigned to the students to complete on Codebreaker Academy. I will post the links to the videos in my “Virtual Classroom.”

Core Knowledge: Next week Ms. Blood will join us again for another lesson about farms. We will continue Domain 6: Seasons/Weather.

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of : Jan 19-21st

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Show and Tell

Wednesday: Dance Party

Thursday: Breakout Room with Friends

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. :No School

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.: Warm-up, Activity Chart check-in, Bingo Fitness

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Important Dates:

  • Friday, January 15th: Supply Pick Up - anytime after 1pm

  • Monday, January 18th: No School - MLK Jr. Day

Week 16

January 4th - 8th

January Supply Pick Up: Drive by the school anytime after 1pm on Friday, January 15th and pick up your child’s supplies for this month. This time I will be leaving all the envelopes with the supplies in a bucket outside the front door of the school and you can come by whenever is convenient for you.

Codebreaker Academy Website: Please make sure your child has created an account on Codebreaker Academy. We are able to see who has and has not created an account and I notice I still have a few students who haven’t logged in at all.

Instructions to log into Codebreaker Academy:

Check your child’s school email for an invitation to log into the Codebreaker Academy website. The school email can be found by using the Chrome browser and logging in through Gmail. Your child’s email address is firstnamelastinitial@mitchcharterschool.org and the password is foxes2020.


Email: aliciao@mitchcharterschool.org

Password: foxes2020

Weekly assignments: Check the weekly assignments document to help your child keep track of workbook pages, Codebreaker lessons, manipulatives needed, etc.

Weekly Assignments

Virtual Classroom: I have created a virtual classroom that I hope your child will be able to use to access Codebreaker video lessons, books to read on Epic, and other fun activity videos. If you can help your child make this accessible to them on their Chromebook that would be very helpful.

Week 17 Virtual Classroom

Math: Module 3, Lessons 4-7

Codebreaker: We spent this last week doing a lot of letter/phonogram review. Next week we will continue with letter sound practice, phonogram practice, consonants/vowels, and start spelling simple words. There will also be videos assigned to the students to complete on Codebreaker Academy. I will post the links to the videos in my “Virtual Classroom.”

Core Knowledge: Next week Ms. Blood will join us for a lesson about farms. We are also going to be moving into Domain 6: Seasons/Weather with a focus on winter.

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of : Jan 11-14th

Monday: Tell a Joke, Solve a Riddle

Tuesday: Blind Draw

Wednesday:Dance Party

Thursday: Breakout Room with Friends

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. :Warm-up, Dance Break, Activity Chart, and Snowman activity

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.: Warm-up, Activity Chart, 100 seconds, and Level Up 3

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Important Dates:

  • Winter Break - No School: Monday, December 21st - Tuesday, January 5th

Week 14

December 7th - 11th

Letter Safari Project: Click the link below for more detailed instructions on the Letter Safari Project. Each student will share their decorated vest on Wednesday, December 16th during Codebreaker (10:30am).

Letter Safari Project Instructions

Codebreaker Academy Website: Check your child’s school email for an invitation to log into the Codebreaker Academy website. The school email can be found by using the Chrome browser and logging in through Gmail. Your child’s email address is firstnamelastinitial@mitchcharterschool.org and the password is foxes2020.


Email: aliciao@mitchcharterschool.org

Password: foxes2020

Next week I will be assigning video lessons from the website for the kids to do on their own during independent work time.

Supplies: There will be a crate marked KA, KB, and KC outside the front door of the school with practice paper, copy paper, and lined laminated sheets. If you need to replenish any of those supplies feel free to come and pick those up at any time.

Weekly assignments: There will be no required math assignments next week. Check the assignment document for Codebreaker lessons.

Weekly Assignments

Core Knowledge: We will continue to learn about plants and how they grow. I will also show the kids a “Cress Heads” sprout planting experiment.

Math: Next week we will take a break from the math workbook pages and have some fun! We will do some activities to review shapes. We will start Module 3 after winter break.

Codebreaker: We will continue to practice decoding and encoding all the letters. We will learn the ‘wh’ phonogram and then review the ones we have already learned. I will assign videos from the Codebreaker Academy website to work on independently, see above for directions on how to find that.

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of : Dec 14-17th

Monday: Tell a Joke Monday

Tuesday: Rock-Paper Scissor Competition

Wednesday: Snowman (hangman)

Thursday: Breakout Room with Friends

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. : Warm-up and Winter Games: Ice Dancing, Winter Choice Board

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.: Warm-up and Winter Games Speed Skating, Winter Choice Board

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Week 13

November 30th - December 4th

Supplies: If you were not able to pick up your child’s supplies on Thursday, the bags have been left right outside of the front door of the office next to the crates of school pictures. Your child’s name is on the bag and I left a crate for you to turn in the envelope of completed work.

Codebreaker Website: You may have noticed that a link was sent to your child’s email to sign up for the Codebreaker Academy. I am working on putting together information about how to do that and when we will be using the Codebreaker Academy website. Stay tuned.

Weekly assignments: Pages might change as the week goes depending on how much we get done in class.

Core Knowledge: Next week we will be learning more about plants by following Polly the Honeybee’s flower tour. We will also learn about Johnny Appleseed and the different types of trees.

Math: We will be working through Module 2: Shapes, lessons 7 through 10.

Codebreaker: We will continue to practice decoding and encoding all the letter sounds as well and writing them. We will start learning phonograms next week, starting with: qu, sh, ch, and th. Below is a resource of the letters and the sounds we teach as well as the phonograms and their sounds.


Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of : Dec 7-10th

Monday: Guess the Food Emoji

Tuesday: Show and Tell

Wednesday: Pokemon drawing

Thursday: Breakout Room with Friends

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. : Warm-up and Winter Games: Skiing, Winter Choice Board

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.: Warm-up and WInter Games Ice Dancing Workout

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong: *Mrs. Wong would like to remind students to remember Zoom manners during music/art. This includes: staying on mute, waiting their turn to talk, no shouting out, and being respectful to teacher and other students.

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Important Dates:

  • Wednesday, November 25th - Friday, November 27th: Thanksgiving Holiday - No School

  • Thursday, December 3rd: 3-4pm Supply Pick Up

Week 11

November 16th - 20th

Next Supply Pick Up: Thursday, December 3rd at 3-4pm Drive thru to pick up supplies without leaving your car. After 4pm come to the front door and outside pick up your child’s supplies out of the Kinder C box.2

Math: We will be working through Module 2 lessons 1 and 2 this week.

Codebreaker: This last week we learned the letter sounds and writing for letters w, x, and y. Next week we will be finishing our letters with letter z.

Weekly assignments: Pages might change as the week goes depending on how much we get done in class.

*This is what the kids should have completed by the end of this next week:

  • Math:

    • 🐝Bumblebee: Finished pages up to page 183

    • 🐞 Ladybug: Finished pages up to page 161

  • Codebreaker: Rainbow Alphabet book complete.

  • September/October Packets: Finish at your own pace.

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of : Nov 23-24th

Monday: Show and Tell

Tuesday: Breakout rooms with friends

Wednesday: No School

Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving!

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. : Turkey Gobble Dance/Thankful Choice Board

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.: No School

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Week 10

November 9th - 13th

Next Supply Pick Up: Thursday, December 3rd at 3-4pm Drive thru to pick up supplies without leaving your car. Or come to the front door and pick up your child’s supplies out of the Kinder C box anytime after 4pm.

Weekly assignments: Pages might change as the week goes depending on how much we get done in class. I also added a column in the math section for what manipulatives we should be using for that lesson. In case you want your child to be prepared ahead of time.

*This is what the kids should have completed by the end of this next week:

  • Math:

    • 🐝Bumblebee: Finished pages up to page 174

    • 🐞 Ladybug: Finished pages up to page 152

  • Codebreaker: Rainbow Alphabet book done to the letter ‘y’.

  • September/October Packets: Finish at your own pace.

Math: We will be working through lessons 35-37 this week.

Codebreaker: This last week we learned the letter sounds and writing for letters q, s, and v. Next week we will be doing the same with letters w, x, and y.

Core Knowledge: Next week we will finish our Domain on the Five Senses. We learned about Ray Charles and how the senses were important to him. We will also be learning about Helen Keller and why the senses were important to her.

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of : Nov 16-19th

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Show and Tell

Wednesday: Dance Workout

Thursday: Breakout Rooms with Friends

Kindergarten Zoom

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. :No School

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.- Move it Lesson

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Week 9

November 2nd - 6th

Picture Day: Check your email and Foxtales for information on Picture Day that is this coming Monday, November 9th from 3pm - 7pm.

Popcorn/Movie Reward: The class voted and chose a popcorn/movie for our Read-A-Thon reward! When you come on picture day, your child can pick up the popcorn when they come in to take their picture! We will watch a short movie on Friday during our Morning Meeting time.

Agriculture Homework: Can you help your child remember to bring a leaf to class on Monday? Ms. Blood will join us at 8:35am and that is when the kids will need their own leaf!

Next Supply Pick Up: Mark your calendars! Thursday, December 3rd

Weekly assignments: The Weekly Assignments doc has been updated for the coming week. Remember, pages might change as the week goes depending on how much we get done in class.

*This is what the kids should have completed by the end of this next week:

  • Math:

    • 🐝Bumblebee: Finished pages up to page 167

    • 🐞 Ladybug: Finished pages up to page 137

  • Codebreaker: Rainbow Alphabet book done to the letter ‘v’.

  • September/October Packets: Finish the September packet on your own time. Work on the October packet at your own pace as well.

Math: We will be working through lessons 32-34 this week.

Codebreaker: This last week we learned the letter sounds and writing for letters d, c, g, and f. Next week we will be doing the same with letters q, s, and v.

Core Knowledge: Next week we will continue to discuss the 5 Senses. Ms. Blood will join our class Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday to continue her Agriculture project with us!

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of : Nov 9-12th

Monday: Tell a Joke

Tuesday: Breakout Room with Friends

Wednesday: Mindful Breathing

Thursday: Breakout Room with Friends

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. :Workout and Meal Plate activity

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.- No school

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Week 8

October 26th - 30th

  • No office hours this week due to conferences.

Conferences: Parents, thank you so much for participating in conferences! It was really good to be able to talk to all of you and tell you all how great your children are. I want to thank you for your understanding and support through E-Learning. We couldn’t do this without your help!

Read-A-Thon: Great job KC! We read enough to earn us a level 2 class prize! Next week we will vote on: a class pajama day, Zoom lunch with Mrs. Butler, or popcorn and a movie as a class. I will let you know what the class votes for!

Weekly assignments: The Weekly Assignments doc has been updated for the coming week. Remember, pages might change as the week goes depending on how much we get done in class.

*If your child has not already, they can work to finish the September packet during their independent work times this week. We are very behind on that and will be starting the October packet this Friday.

*This is what the kids should have completed by the end of next week:

  • Math:

    • 🐝Bumblebee: Finished pages up to page 150

    • 🐞 Ladybug: Finished pages up to page 127

  • Codebreaker: Rainbow Alphabet book done to the letter ‘f’.

Math: We will be working through lessons 28-31 this week.

Codebreaker: This last week we learned the letter sounds and writing for letters j, o, and a. Next week we will be doing the same with letters d, c, g, and f.

Core Knowledge: This week we finished up our Stories Domain with “The Jumping Mouse” and “Momotaro, Peach Boy.” We will start out next Domain: 5 Senses next week. Our Agriculture teacher, Ms. Blood will be joining our class to help with a 5 Senses project! We look forward to having Ms. Blood join our class!

Specials Update:

PE - Mrs. Hill:

Recess Topics for the Week of : Nov 2-5th

Monday: Catchphrase

Tuesday: Rock Paper Scissors

Wednesday: Build a Snowman

Thursday: Show and Tell

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. :You are what you eat

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.- Fitness and Hungry Caterpillar

Music/Art - Mrs. Wong:

MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month

Week 7

October 19th - 23rd

  • Mrs. Ordway's office hours -- Friday, 9 - 11am

NO SCHOOL: Thursday, October 29th & Friday, October 30th for Conferences.

Conferences: Next week we will have conferences Thursday and Friday. That means that there will be no school. Instead I get to meet with you to talk about your child’s progress in E-School so far. If you have not already please sign up for a time slot that you would be able to get on Zoom and meet with me for a little bit. Click the link below to sign up!

Conference Sign Up

Read-A-Thon: Great job with the Read-A-Thon! I hope you enjoyed reading with your children and logging the time. I do not have any results yet but when I do I will let you know!

Google Classroom: I have added more resources to my Google Classroom. If you would prefer to access all of the documents like Weekly Assignments, Small Group Schedule, etc. I also added resources for parents if you would like to learn more about what your child is learning in school. Those documents include Phonetics for English, Parts of the Paper and Lines, Codebreaker for Parents, etc. If you have not joined my Google Classroom using your child's email, click the link below.

KC Ordway Google Classroom

Weekly assignments: The Weekly Assignments doc has been updated for the coming week. Remember, pages might change as the week goes depending on how much we get done in class.

*This is what the kids should have completed by the end of this week:

  • Math:

    • Bumblebee: page 135

    • 🐞 Ladybug: page 113

  • Codebreaker: Rainbow Alphabet book done to the letter ‘a’.

Weekly Assignments

Small groups: We will continue to review concepts learned in math and literacy during this time. Please help your child make sure all completed pages up until pages 135 in the Bumblebee Book and page 113 in the Ladybug Book have been torn out and put in the manila envelope. Thank you for taking the time to help your child with this!

Math: We will be working through lessons 25-27 this week.

Codebreaker: This last week we learned the letter sounds and writing for letters p, u, k, and e. Next week we will be doing the same with letters j, o, and a.

Core Knowledge: This week I read the folktales “Three Billy Goats Gruff”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “The Bremen Town Musicians”, and “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” We learned what a folktale is and what the setting of a story is. I will continue reading short stories next week.

Specials Update:

Music/Art: Mrs. Wong - Remember to bring the correct supplies to class (Tuesday = Music, Thursday = Art). It seems that the students are getting low on blank paper. If possible, please add a stack of blank white paper to your child’s Music/Art folder!

PE: Mrs. Hill - Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. :Fitness and Nutrition Booklet

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E.

Week 6

October 12th - 16th

  • Mrs. Ordway's office hours -- Friday, 9 - 11am

Supply Pick Up Today! (Friday, October 16th 3-5pm) - I hope to see you this afternoon to get your next set of supplies! You can bring any work your child has done that you have kept to turn in to me if you have it!

Read-A-Thon! - Our class is doing awesome! As of today our whole class together has read a total of 920 minutes! That puts us in third place out of the whole school! If we continue to do this well we could earn a class reward! Continue to read and log your minutes next week, I will also email each day with the total amount of minutes we read in class. If you haven’t already, make sure to sign up online and READ!

Weekly Assignments: The Weekly Assignments doc has been updated for the coming week. Remember, pages might change as the week goes depending on how much we get done in class.

*This is what the kids should have completed by the end of this week:

  • Math:

    • 🐝 Bumblebee: page 101

    • 🐞 Ladybug: page 85

  • Codebreaker: Rainbow Alphabet book done to the letter ‘m’.

Weekly Assignments Link

Small groups: We will continue to review concepts learned in math and literacy during this time. Instead of taking time to check math pages in small groups I am going to start having the kids tear pages out of their workbooks as we complete them. You will receive a big manilla envelope at the supply pick up today. That envelope is to put those completed worksheets in and return at the next supply pick up. Since I have checked math workbooks pages up until now virtually you can tear all pages up until page 101 in the Bumblebee Book and page 85 in the Ladybug Book. That will help your child be able to find the page we are working on much easier during the lesson. Thank you for doing that!

Small Groups Schedule Link

Math: We will be working through lessons 21-24 this week. This next week I am going to really encourage kids to log off Zoom to do their homework pages (Ladybug Book). My goal is to teach up until about 9am and then give directions quickly for the homework and then have the kids try being more independent to finish the pages in the Ladybug Book. This means they might need a little more help from the adult that is with them next week. I want them to be able to do as much on their own as possible.

Codebreaker: This last week we learned the letter sounds and writing for letters h, r, n, and m. Next week we will be doing the same with letters p, u, k, and e.

Core Knowledge: This week I read stories “Hare and the Tortoise”, “Chicken Little” and “The Three Little Pigs.” We also talked about characters and plot of a story as well as what a fictional story is. I will continue reading short stories next week and we will discuss what the setting of a story is.

Specials Update:

Mrs. Wong - Music and Art:

Tuesday is Music and Thursday is Art - Get your supplies ready to have some fun!

Mrs. Hill - PE and Recess:

Recess Topics for the Week of : Oct 19-22nd -LP#2#1/ TTH-LP#1#2)

Monday: Charades with talking

Tuesday: Story Time

Wednesday: 20 questions

Thursday: Come with a Joke to tell!

Kindergarten: 10am M/W

Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. :Game Day-Memory and Freeze dance

Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E. Nutrition Booklet

October Important Dates:

  • Friday, October 16th, 3-5pm: Kindergarten Supply Pick Up

  • Friday, October 23rd: No School, Teacher Work Day

  • Thursday, October 29th & Friday, October 30th: No School, Parent Conferences

Week 5

October 5th - 9th

  • Mrs. Ordway's office hours -- Friday, 9 - 11am

Next Supply Pick Up: Kindergarten will be having our next supply pick up next Friday, October 16th from 3-5pm. Please drive thru the school parking lot to receive a bucket with more supplies for your child! There will be a list of what is in the buckets and a small explanation of how we will use it. I will also explain how we will use the items with the kids on Monday. Make sure to have these supplies added to the others, in a safe place that is accessible throughout the school day.

Read A Thon: Don't forget the Read A Thon is going on right now! Get pledges and make sure to read, read, read! Our story times in class count towards your total minutes, so be sure to add those!

Weekly assignments: The Weekly Assignments doc has been updated for the coming week. Remember, pages might change as the week goes depending on how much we get done in class.

Small groups: We will continue to review concepts learned in math and literacy during this time. We will also review short stories read during morning meeting.

Math: We will be working through lessons 17-20 this week. Check the Weekly Assignments for the workbook pages we will be working on together in class as well as what pages should be completed independently.

Codebreaker: This last week we learned the letter sounds and writing for letters i, then l, t, and b. Next week we will be doing the same with letters h, r, n, and m.

Core Knowledge: I will continue reading short stories during our morning meeting time. We will also review the nursery rhymes taught in class.

Specials Update:

Week 4

September 28th - October 2nd

  • Mrs. Ordway's office hours -- Friday, 9 - 11am

Independence: I encourage parents to give their child more independence by letting them take care of their supplies, putting their own supplies away, working on assignments on their own, etc. I would also really appreciate it if all of their supplies was with them each time we meet. That really helps in case plans change at the last minute!

PAW and Whole Class Rewards: Rewards for earning 10 blue PAWs are: show and tell, stuffy for a day, pick one brain break for the class to do. When they earn the 10 PAWs and choose what they would like to do, then plan on your child doing their reward the next day. Example: if they chose show and tell they can show and tell their item at the next morning meeting.

Weekly assignments: The Weekly Assignments doc has been updated for the coming week. Remember, pages might change as the week goes depending on how much we get done in class.

Small groups: It would be very helpful if you can provide your child with some kind of bookmark (example: post it note) in their math workbooks. This will help them to find the pages in math as well as during small groups on their own. I know finding the pages is a hard task, and my goal is for your child to find the pages without help from an adult.

Math: We will be working through lessons 13-16 this week. Check the Weekly Assignments for the workbook pages we will be working on together in class as well as what pages should be completed independently.

Codebreaker: We finished learning and practicing all the lines they need to know for writing the letters! Next week we will start learning the sounds and how to write the letters. Starting with letter i, then l, t, and b.

Core Knowledge: We will be moving onto the Stories part of the Nursery Rhymes and Stories domain next week!

Specials Update:

  • Mrs. Hill (PE):

Hello Kindergarten families!

I just wanted to let you know, the kindergarten classes will be featured doing their dance next Friday Assembly. I had some technical difficulties recording, so I thank you for your patience! I know many of them were excited to see themselves at the assembly and I hope they won’t be too disappointed having to wait an extra week. I am so proud of their commitment and enthusiasm! Thank you parents, guardians and grandparents for helping them navigate all the technology hiccups along the way! Please reach out if you have any questions!

Mrs. Hill

Week 3

September 21st - 25th

  • Mrs. Ordway's office hours -- Friday, 9 - 11am

PAW Rewards: When your child earns 10 blue paws for being responsible, respectful, resourceful and safe they can pick something from my list of rewards. So far I have: show and tell, stuffy for a day, pick one brain break for the class to do. I will also be starting whole class points to reward your children when all of them are following directions.

Weekly assignments: Take a look at the chart to help your child keep track of the assignments we do together in class as well as the ones I send them off to do independently. Some pages we have not had time to do in class so I started listing OPTIONAL pages your child can work on if they have time. That is only if you feel your child is ready for more school work. I update this page throughout the week, so try and check in daily if you can.

Weekly Assignments

Small groups: Small groups have been going well so far. I love getting to know your children in a smaller group setting. This time is being used to review math and codebreaker concepts already taught and checking math and codebreaker assignments. If the time your child is assigned for is not working for you, please let me know! I am more than happy to accommodate.

Small Groups Schedule

Google classroom: Your student can now join my google classroom. You can do this by logging onto gmail using your child’s email and password. Then click google classroom and join my class. We are not using it at the moment, but will be in the future.

Math: We will be working through lessons 9-12 this week. Check the Weekly Assignments for pages we will be working on together in class as well as what pages should be completed independently.

Codebreaker: This week we will practice the backward circle, forward circle, and reviewing all lines and parts of the paper. We will be working in their rainbow booklets daily as well.

Core Knowledge: We are continuing to learn nursery rhymes daily. Our next domain will be Stories starting soon.

Specials Update:

Weekly assignments

*Most recent week is listed first

Click here for link to view this weeks as well as previous weeks:

Weekly Assignments: Ordway KC

KC Weekly Assignments

Hello MITCH Families,

I loved seeing all the beautiful pictures of the art work from our students. They are now on our Art Website. Please feel free to send me your child's art from each lesson and we can keep adding to the student gallery. Since the website is public, please just send a picture of the artwork and not our students. Pictures with the students will be placed in Foxtales so that it is more secure.

Here is the link:


Our upcoming artist is Paul Klee as we will look more into color, shape and form.

Be Creative,

Mrs. Wong


Week 2

September 14th - 18th

  • Mrs. Ordway's office hours -- Friday, 9 - 11am

We made it through the first full week of school! Thank you for your help in supporting your child through E-Schooling!

Parent Information:

  • Make sure your child's first name (no last name needed) is on display when coming to the meeting. This really helps me to identify each child on the screen quickly and it helps the specials teachers be able to help your child if needed.

  • When transitioning back from a break or specials I will have music or a video playing for the first few minutes as the kids trickle back in. If specials goes over time a little, that is okay! I understand that it is difficult to go back and forth between Zoom links. Take your time, don't stress!

  • If we are in the middle of a live lesson and you feel your child needs to stand up, go to the bathroom or walk away and take a break-- do it! Everyone learns differently and needs different things to succeed. You know your child best so feel free to do what you think is needed. If your child misses anything I can catch them up after I am done teaching or during an independent work time.

  • On Friday's in between the morning meeting and all school assembly I will be planning one on one check ins with students on a as needed basis. As I am getting to know your child and assessing how they are tracking I will start scheduling those. I will always let you know well in advance if I need to meet with your child and we can schedule a time that works for you. If your child does not have a one on one scheduled, Friday would be a great time to make sure your child is all caught up. I am working on creating a document that lists the assignments we are doing in class each day that parents will be able to access.

Small Groups: Thank you for your help in starting small groups this week! Make sure your child logs off after read aloud if they are not in the first small group, then they can log back in when it is their time. Typically this time will be spent reviewing content taught during whole group lessons, checking pages in their math workbooks, or teaching other skills best taught with a small group.

Codebreaker: So far we have learned the tall line, short line, and horizontal line. Next week we will cover the slanted line forward, slanted line backward, and the extended line. I know that practicing the same lines every day may seem repetitive but it is important for your child to learn these lines so that when we start writing letters, it will be an easier task.

Math: We will continue with a math lesson each day and they will need both green math workbooks (bumblebee and ladybug books). The focus is classifying items into categories, counting and one to one correspondence, sorting by count, and numbers to 5 in different configurations.

Core Knowledge: Each day we have been learning new nursery rhymes as well as reciting the nursery rhymes we have already learned!

Specials Update:

Mrs. Wong (Music/Art): Hello Kindergarten Families - Music and Art is such a busy class. I love the excitement and creativity from the students!! Please make sure your child's first name is seen on the zoom name option. Thank you for having music supplies ready. We are learning how to take care of our instruments and supplies!! September 22nd we will focus on Music using our bell, pencils, and maracas in rhythm patterns and with a special song. September 24th we will use colors (crayons, markers) to create a picture as we continue learning about Wassily Kandinsky. Thank you parents and caregivers for all your help and support!!!!

MITCH Music Website - Resources to use at home


MITCH Art Website - Info on our Artist and Artwork for the Month


Mrs. Hill (PE):

Kindergarten: 10 am M/W

  • Monday: LIVE Zoom P.E. Meet Mrs. Hill

  • Wednesday: LIVE Zoom P.E. Rhythm and Dance

Week 1

September 10th - 11th

What a great start to the school year! We had a good couple days and hope for many more! Thank you parents/caregivers for all your help, support, and patience. We are in this together!

Next Week...

  • Blue Paws: Next week I will go into a little more in detail on how your child can earn Blue Paws during our time together. I will be keeping track of these at school and I am working on what the reward system is going to look like!

  • Curriculum and Tasks: We will be starting with our Math/Codebreaker lessons next week. We will start with basic skills such as counting, parts of the paper, and lines. Our main focus will be to help the kids become more comfortable with the schedule and routine of school. I will be assigning more independent tasks along the way to reduce some of the screen time. I will use the chat bar in Zoom and write what task I am assigning to the class for you to refer to if you are not able to listen when I assign the task. I will leave the meeting open for you to come in and check if you need to.

  • Small Groups: I am working on creating a schedule for the small groups we will have in the afternoons. I hope to start those small groups next Wednesday. It has been an easier transition into school without the small groups in the afternoon for the first few days. Your child will be assigned to a time slot between 1-2:10 either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. I am using your feedback from the Parent Survey I sent out earlier this week to assign your child a time. If you have not already, please make sure to fill that out and submit!

  • Friday One on Ones: For the next couple weeks I would like to take the 8:30-11:30 time on Friday's for anyone to meet with me if you have specific questions. You can email and let me know if you need help with something and we can set up a time to meet on Friday. This can be help with understand curriculum or if you are having trouble navigating the technology. Let me know and I will see what I can do!

  • Parent Help: A couple things I hope you can help me with to ensure the school days go a little smoother - make sure to have your child's name on the display for Zoom - this helps with attendance and for specials teachers. Also, it would be very helpful if you could work with your child on how to mute/unmute themselves and to make sure the microphone on their headphones/device works. This will help your child to be more independent!

  • Specials Update:

    • From Mrs. Hill:

Hello Mitch Families!

I hope you all enjoyed a restful summer and are ready to get back into the groove of E-school! I wanted to reach out to let you know what P.E. will look like this year. Each student will have P.E. twice each week along with all the other students in that child’s grade. P.E lessons will consist of a combination of live Zoom meetings, independent practice, assigned activities and videos. I will also be holding optional 15 minute recess times Monday through Thursday. It will be a mix of different games, breakout rooms and activities.

I have set up a Google classroom for each grade and will be posting zoom links, assignments and announcements there, so please be sure to check regularly. Your class code is below. Unlike last spring, P.E. will be graded and my hope is that each student will come away with a love and appreciation for different kinds of physical activities and a deeper understanding of why and how we can care for our bodies.

Our first unit will be a Rhythm and Dance Unit which I am excited for! Here are a couple of questions I’ve had come up:

  1. How much space will I need for P.E.?

Answer: Ideally, it would be great if your child had a whole room or outside space available, but I understand that’s not feasible for many families. I would recommend at least a 5-6 ft bubble of space where there are no objects or sharp corners to bump into. We will be moving around so they might have to weave in and out of furniture which is ok too!

  1. What kind of materials will I need for P.E.?

Answer: We will be using minimal equipment for e-schooling. I have sent home a yellow PE packet with materials we will use later on. It would be a good idea to have a water bottle, and mat of some sort if your child will be on a hard surface. Other than that, I will let you know the week before or sooner if your child will need to “bring” anything to P.E. and by that I mean, common household items you would typically have in your home.

Kindergarten Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTIyMjcyMTQ5Nzgy?cjc=tectw5r

P.E. Class Code: tectw5r

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you soon!

-Mrs. Hill


P.E. Specialist, Mitch Charter School

September important dates:

  • Parent Information Zoom: Thursday, September 3rd at 5pm

  • Supply Pick Up: Tuesday, September 8th - Pick up 8-10am OR 4-6pm

  • First Day of School: Thursday, September 10th - See daily schedule

Week 16

January 4th - 8th