Frequently Asked Questions

How do I turn in an assignment on Google Classroom?

Once your assignment is attached in Google Classroom, you can press “turn in” from the Your Work section of the task.

Follow the link for an informational video:

I need my student to work on a personal device after school hours or I want to use my personal printer to print out a resource. How do I set up multiple Google users and avoid confusion?

Follow the link for an informational video:

I can't access the assignment. It says I don't have permission.

    1. Make sure that you are logged into your MITCH account.

    2. To avoid this problem in the first place, only use your MITCH Chromebook with a MITCH login for school work. Use a personal device for personal accounts.

    3. To check if you have multiple accounts in one window, follow the link for an informational video:

Why does this assignment say "missing" when my child says he/she turned it in?

Teachers have the ability to return an assignment without a score. This places the assignment back in the “assigned” section rather than “turned in.” Please check the private comments for a note from the teacher about why this happened and what the student can do to fix his or her work.

How do I turn in a Form assignment?

Follow the link for an informational video:

      1. Open the form and complete all the questions.

      2. Press “submit” at the bottom of the form.

      3. Remember that Forms do not save. Your work will be lost if you do not press “submit.”

      4. Double-check that it has been submitted in Google Classroom. It will either show that is has been submitted or press "Mark as Done."

How do I see my feedback in a Form assignment and what does it mean?

Follow the link for an informational video:

      1. After submitting the form, click “View Score.”

      2. After the teacher has returned the work, click on the form from Classroom and click “View Score.”

How do I take a photo with my Chromebook?

Follow the link for an informational video:

How do I attach a photo to a Google Classroom assignment?

Follow the link for an informational video:

How do I use the Google Classroom App to take a picture of an assignment?

Can I just email you an assignment?

All assignments need to be submitted in Google Classroom.

The Chromebook won't turn on, what do I do?

Plug the Chromebook in, wait a few seconds and try again.

How do I see my student's grades?

Follow the link to watch an informational video:

      1. Look at classes

      2. Click on the little icon that looks like a person in a square in the bottom right hand corner of the class box

      3. There you can see what has been returned and graded, what is missing and what has been assigned

How do I know what my child has to do this week?

Follow the link to watch an informational video:

      1. Click the three lines in the left hand corner next to the class name

      2. Click on the To Do

      3. You can now see what is Assigned, Missing and Done

How do I upload an assignment to Google Classroom (ie. on the app or desktop)?

    • App:

      1. Open the Notes Function on your device.

      2. Use the camera icon to scan the document.

      3. Save the file to the student’s Google Drive.

      4. Open Classroom app and navigate to the assignment.

      5. Click “Add Attachment” and select “Drive.” You might have to refresh the drive by pulling the screen down.

      6. Choose the PDF that you just created.

    • Desktop:

      1. Follow the link to watch an informational video:

      2. Open the assignment.

      3. Click “+Add or Create” from the Your Work section.

      4. Choose Drive to attach something that is located in your Drive or choose File to attach something that is on your physical computer.

How do I see my child's assignment on Google Classroom and know the due date?

    • Follow the link to watch an informational video:

      1. Click the three lines in the left hand corner next to the class name

      2. Click on the To Do

      3. Due dates are listed here next to the assignments in the Assigned, Missing and Done tabs.

How do I print off documents from Google Classroom?

Whenever you see a link or thumbnail of a document posted on an assignment, open the file. Then you should see on the top left an icon of a printer. Click on the printer and/or pull down the File menu tab on the left and select print.