NEW MMA Online Portal can be found here

This has all the information for what the MiSST Music Academy is about and how to sign up! 

Golden Ticket invites to give to students in schools can be downloaded here


At MiSST, we are committed to showcasing the talents of our many young composers. We are looking to increase the number of opportunities there are for both workshops and performances of student compositions this year - and this is our first call for scores for 2023/24! 

We are accepting compositions by any MiSST student (or recent alumni) who might be interested in seeing their pieces reproduced live by our MiSST Music Academy and/or MiLO ensembles. This is an open call scores: we will accept pieces of any length, written for any instruments/ensemble, written at any time - and we will try our very best to work on and perform as many as we can.

Our very best entries, most likely those that have been written for Symphony Orchestra or Chamber Orchestra, will be shortlisted for our 2024 Composition Competition, with a chance to have their piece performed at our Annual Concert at the Roundhouse in April! 

Please submit pieces - ideally with both a score and midi recording - to jonathan@misst.org.uk at any time this Autumn Term, but absolutely no later than Friday 15th December 2023. We will not be taking further entries after this point. 

Good luck, have fun, and we can't wait to hear your music!