Journal of Psychological Inquiry Call for Papers

Journal of Psychological Inquiry

Call for Papers

The Journal of Psychological Inquiry (JPI) encourages undergraduate students to submit manuscripts for consideration. Manuscripts may include:

- Empirical studies

- Literature reviews

- Historical articles

- Special Features I: Evaluating controversial issues. Two students work together on different facets of the same issue. Each student addresses the current empirical research and makes a persuasive case for one side of the argument.

- Special Features II: Conducting psychological analyses- Dramatic. This manuscript is a psychological analysis of a television program or movie.

- Special Features III: Conducting psychological analyses- Current events. By using the perspective of any content area in psychology, this manuscript analyzes a current event.

- Special Features IV: Teaching techniques- Student and faculty mentor collaborate on this manuscript regarding a teaching technique the faculty member uses that the student found particularly helpful.

Manuscripts may cover any topical area in the psychological science. Further details for the special features submission can be found at the end of volume 21 (1), available at:

Submission Details:

1. Manuscripts must have an undergraduate as the primary author. Manuscripts by graduates will be accepted if the work was completed as an undergraduate. Graduate students or faculty may be co-authors, if their role was one of teacher or mentor versus equal collaborator.

2. Manuscripts must come from students who meet the following conditions: (a) from students at institutions who are current on their financial annual support of JPI (see list on JPI website), (b) from students at institutions who are willing to pay an $80 annual processing fee for unlimited submissions, or (c) from students who pay a one-time $30 processing fee to have a single submission processed.

3. Submit original manuscripts only. Do not submit manuscripts that have been accepted for publication or that have been published elsewhere.

4. All manuscripts should be formatted in accordance with the APA manual (latest edition).

5. Submissions are made online at

6. Ordinarily, the review process will be completed in 30 to 60 days.

7. If a manuscript requires revisions, the author(s) is (are) responsible for making the necessary changes and resubmitting the manuscript to the Journal. Sometimes you may have to revise manuscripts more than once.

8. For further submission guidelines, see the JPI website at You may also contact Dr. Ken Sobel (