
In nursery we focused on movement, change and colour. 

We enjoyed making water wheels and catapults.

We mixed and separated colours in cornflour and paint.

 We tried Chromatography using water to separate the colours in pen ink.

We learnt some important skills such as how to fix and stick materials together. 

Our parents and their children investigated how the water wheels spun.  We heard some amazing scientific questioning!

Why is the wheel spinning so quickly?

Where shall we place the cups?

I can make it move!

How do we build it?

The water wheels worked well with sand, rice and wind. Unfortunately they got a bit soggy in water. What materials shall we use the next time we make water wheels? Why?

We discovered different ways of mixing and separating colours and materials. 

We made catapults and enjoyed finding what objects went highest in the air. 

On the South Site we have chicks.  The children sequenced the life cycle of the chicks. Explaining to their parents how the chicks have grown, how we care for them and what we are expecting to happen next.


The baby chicks hatched from the eggs.


We have to feed them and give them water to drink.

a Chicken

They are going to be big hens and Mummy chickens soon.