
2019 Sapphire Innovation Award Winner

Data Driven Mental Healthcare w/ SAP HANA Data Anonymization

HarrisLogic / Dallas County, TX

  • Real-time behavioral health care data models enhancing patient treatment.

  • Proved that SAP HANA can harmonize and transform sensitive behavioral health data into life-saving analytics.

  • HANA Anonymizes Patient data from multiple providers to enhance patient treatment.


2019 Sapphire Innovation Award Finalist

Reducing Prison Recidivism through Data Science on SAP HANA Platform

State of Arkansas

  • Implement cross-agency case management strategies to help keep offenders from returning to prison.

  • Utilize advanced analytics and predictive models to identify risk factors and mitigation options.

  • Empower the operational personnel to make better decisions on inmate’s risk factors for recidivism


2019 Hasso Plattner Founders Award Nominee

SAP Purpose Driven Framework

  • Integrates and blends data from dozens of public sources to help public sector decision makers

  • Identify problems, trends and patterns over time and geographically.

  • Foundation of workshops with dozes on states, counties, federal agencies and pharma executives.


2019 MITRE Challenge Award Winner

Team SAP’s “Citizen Wallet”

MITRE Challenge “Approaches to Strengthening Payment Integrity”

The MITRE Challenge allows industry and academia to think differently about some of the nation’s toughest problems and share potential solutions with federal agencies.
