Executive Summary

 The Curriculum Management Plan communicates the intent and direction for the Mansfield ISD in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.  The plan coordinates improvement efforts in the development and implementation of the curriculum.  It outlines the expectations and procedures for the written curriculum, taught curriculum (instruction), and assessed curriculum (tested) in accordance with Board policy.

A Curriculum Management Plan allows the organization to obtain the educational benefits of a coordinated and focused program for student learning.  The plan also serves to focus instruction and facilitate the design, delivery, and assessment of the curriculum.  Ultimately, the Curriculum Management Plan conveys the intent of District leadership and provides clear direction for students, parents, teachers, and administrators in the system.  The plan establishes a framework outlining guidelines and procedures for the development, adoption, scope, sequence, alignment, delivery, evaluation, and revision of the written curriculum in all subject areas.  The plan also provides the structure to ensure quality control of the designed and delivered curriculum, internal consistency, and necessary resources.

The MISD Board of Trustees designates the Superintendent as the curriculum leader in charge of establishing procedures for the design and delivery of the curriculum consistent with the Board’s adopted mission and applicable goals, State laws, and State Board of Education (SBOE) rules.  The Board deems it essential for the school system to continually develop and modify its curriculum to provide a common direction of action for all instructional and programmatic efforts to meet changing needs.  This curriculum component shall be an integral part of the District’s long-range planning process.  An environment to support curriculum delivery must be created and maintained by all functions of the organization.