
 6th Grade English/Language Arts Syllabus 

2023-2024  Mrs. Degges

Minneola Charter School

Phone: (352) 394-2600 email

Parents and students,

Welcome to Mrs. Degges’s English/Language Arts class. In this class, we will learn through reading and writing with enthusiasm and a growth mindset. I am thrilled to be here with you this year, and look forward to getting to know you. I’m here to help you grow and develop an appreciation for learning.

Class Expectations

Students will arrive on time and enter class quietly with the correct supplies and a positive attitude. Classroom expectations include participation, positive discussions, and sharing respect for every person in the room. Students will help develop classroom rules, procedures, expectations, and a system of implementation to create ownership in the class. If students have disciplinary issues, an agenda comment will be issued.


Students should be prepared every day with their textbook, a spiral notebook, a yellow folder, writing utensils (including highlighters), their class reading novel, and agenda. Failure to bring these materials to class may result in an agenda comment for unpreparedness. Students are also responsible for their school-issued Chromebooks and should only be using these if necessary for classroom work. 


The 6th grade English/Language Arts curriculum consists of grammar and sentence structure, vocabulary development, reading comprehension, analysis, and writing. Each aspect of the curriculum will be addressed continuously throughout the school year. Students' progress will be monitored throughout the year so the needs of the students can be met.

Independent Reading/Homework

Homework is not assigned daily and is primarily used to finish work not done in class. If a student is working efficiently and diligently in class, he or she should rarely have homework! All students are encouraged to have an independent reading novel of their choice on hand to read when their classwork is completed. Work missed due to absences will need to be done at home. 

Students will have 1 IXL focus skill a week. There will be class time throughout the week to work on this skill, but if more practice is needed, it is to be done at home. At the end of the week the student's Smart Score will be entered as a standards-based grade. The students may also be quizzed on the material from that focus skill.

Make-Up Work

It is the student’s responsibility to request all make-up work from me upon return and complete work within five days for credit following an excused absence. If the student was notified of an assignment prior to an absence, that assignment will be due the day the student returns. Missed tests or quizzes will need to be scheduled with me, and may need to be completed during lunch or before school. Google Classroom is the main form of communication for missed work. I will post a daily agenda that students can access if they are away from school for any reason. Most resources and assignments are posted daily, so there is rarely a reason for a student to fall behind.


If you have any specific questions in regards to your student’s education, I am available to answer any questions you might have. Generally, questions can be answered via email or messaging on Remind. If needed, phone calls or virtual conferences may be scheduled. I also recommend gaining access to your student’s online FOCUS account where you can view your student’s official grades easily. I will also use student agendas if there are specific behaviors or incidents to address. All emails will be returned within 24 hours, and those sent on the weekend will be addressed prior to the end of the day Monday. I will not be replying to emails after 3:30 P.M. on school days. I appreciate your understanding.


In this modern age, students will need to learn to use Google Classroom and various aspects of technology. In this class, we will use a combination of Google Classroom assignments and our interactive student notebooks. Students will be instructed when and where to use each platform. 

Grading and Scales

Grades will be based on assignments (bell ringers, classwork, essays, and participation), tests/quizzes, and projects. The teacher reserves the right to change the breakdown of grades at her discretion if needed.

A 90-100 Assignments 50%

B 80-89 Projects 20%

C 70-79 Quizzes/Tests 30%

D 60-69

F 59 and below


All students need to have the opportunity to succeed, because all students have the potential to be successful. Learning is done through mistakes, growth, and achievement. The classroom is a safe space for students to try, fail, and grow. Students should always feel comfortable to ask questions, try things on their own, rely on others, and get assistance. 


Mrs. Cheryl Degges