

The most thorough guidance about obtaining unemployment benefits and assistance can be found at This web page includes how to apply for unemployment benefits with instructions in various languages.

COVID-19 related unemployment programs ended September 4, 2021.


Watertown residents can consult with the Watertown Social Services Resource Specialist for help obtaining unemployment benefits. More info...

Local Small Businesses

Connect with the Watertown Business Coalition to stay informed on resources available to small business in Watertown. More info...

Small Business Association Resources

Any small businesses in need of application translation services or other technical assistance should access Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation’s online resources, including a list of technical assistance providers who can help businesses apply for PPP in languages other than English.

Financial Assistance

COVID-19 funds are established daily which makes creating a comprehensive list of aid opportunities impossible. We're curating a list of local and targeted funds in this guide. If you are having trouble finding funds for your circumstance, a librarian can help you with your research or call the Watertown Social Services Resource Specialist.

Job Opportunities

Job search tips for COVID-19.