Graphic Novels

Audit Process - Graphic Novels

For the remainder of the collection after the picture books, we had to manually input all of the data for each title. For the Graphic Novels, Chapter Books, and Fiction portion of the collection we used a Google Sheets template provided by Christi Farrar, a consultant with the Massachusetts Library System. We inserted our chosen categories into the spreadsheet, then uploaded the book titles and authors onto the sheet. Then, we began going through the titles alphabetically and determining which books were representative of the respective categories. This process was done by analyzing synopses, reading professional and consumer reviews, and looking through the physical books.

For the Graphic Novel collection, we opted to not track data about “Own Voices” titles, as many comics are a collaboration between authors, illustrators, and colorists, and as such it becomes difficult to determine whether or not a title is “Own Voices” unless explicitly stated by the creators.

Number of Graphic Novels Audited: 855

Graphic Novel Representation:

Black: 6% (4% girls, 2% boys, <1% other gender)

AAPI: 4% (2% girls, 2% boys)

Latinx: 1%

Arab/Middle Eastern: <1%

Native/Indigenous: N/A

White: 49% (20% girls, 29% boys, <1% other gender)

Mixed/Multiple/Unspecified: 5%

Animal/Non-Human: 35%


Disability: 1%