Attendance & Expectations

Minisink Valley Intermediate SchoolDrama Club Student Contract
Drama Club is a privilege, not a right: The goal of the drama club is to create quality productions and meaningful experiences for all cast and crew members.
Rehearsals:It is imperative that drama members are present for rehearsals. Imagine trying to create a championship football or softball team with players that don't attend practices or must leave practice early. That'd be a tough job! The same is true for the MVIS Drama Club. The performances are considered our championship, so it's necessary that all cast and crew members make attendance a priority. The calendar will show rehearsals...and will show the mandatory rehearsals. To be clear, every rehearsal is important. Not attending a Mandatory Rehearsal will result in sitting out during a performance.
Expectations:Every member of the drama club must keep up with their homework and maintain passing grades. Participation in the drama club is not a reason to miss an academic commitment.
Students need to be sure that you can commit to the production schedule. If there are any conflicts, students must notify the directors immediately, preferably prior to missing practice. Conflicts should be listed on conflict sheet.
Three Strikes Policy:Should any member of the cast/crew not meet expectations for attendance, behavior, or work ethic, he/she will be given a strike. Strikes will be given by the directors. Strikes may be given for the following reasons: not showing up to rehearsal without communicating with the directors prior to the absence, disrupting a rehearsal, failure to make progress with role (line, blocking or notes), and/or use of unauthorized electronics during rehearsals and shows. Once a strike is given, it may not be debated. In the case of a student receiving a third strike, the director(s) and the student will contact the parent/guardian.
Transportation:It is important to remember that students need to arrange for their own transportation. Students must be picked up promptly at the end of rehearsal.
Cast and Crew Requirements:Cast members have an enormous responsibility in the development and production of the performance. They must dedicate large amounts of time to rehearsals and memorization of parts/music. If you are not committed to this level of dedication, please do not accept a role as a cast/crew member.