This may require adult help


1. Visit the Sora site on your web browser

2. Select "Sign up now" on the pop-up message

3. Select the "Get Started" button. Enter your info, (if a household adult approves, you may select the "I'm over 13" option) submit, then check your email for a verification message

4. Follow directions in the email to verify your account (note: if you do not receive a verification email, you may need to repeat the process with a non-school email)


Open the Sora app on your iPad

1. Select "I have a setup code" at the bottom of the screen

2. Enter "readwithsora"

3. Enter the username sent to you in the email

For access to Jensen's collection:

1. Once logged in, find the menu button (3 stacked lines) and select "add a public library"

2. Find Jensen (or your public library of choice), then use your library # and online pw to add the collection (must have an online account setup with Jensen)

3. If you don't have a Jensen card or password, please email Mr. Nichols for assistance