Mindfulness Corner

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose, in the present moment. The practice of mindfulness often leads to a sense of balance and psychological well-being.

How does Mindfulness work?

To practice mindfulness, you try to stay aware of each thought or sensation as it arises in the present moment around you, but also allow it to pass as you continue to remain present. While this may seem simple, trying it can be both challenging and trans-formative. This is why many activities and resources exist to help with your mindful practice.

How can Mindfulness help me?

Have you ever dealt with situations where you had ‘butterflies in your stomach,’ a fast heart rate, or ‘lost your cool?’ The human brain is wired to respond to stress as if something were threatening. Learning to be mindful prepares us to make clearer decisions rather than being ruled by our emotions. This realization is empowering for students who deal with stress in and out of the classroom, from bullying to homework. At the same time, mindfulness can help us more deeply connect with the people and moments that make up our lives.