Student Toolbox

Remote Login Info

Wisconsin Newspapers, ProQuest Newspapers, LitFinder: Literature Finder, African American Biographies, Wisconsin Government sites, and Wisconsin history

You may need your public library card to use the resources at home.

Biographical dictionaries, periodical articles, photos and illustrations

Username: (none necessary) Password: mpslibrary



Online academic support providing tutoring and one-to-one homework help in ‘real time’.

Students will create username and password during online registration –

Public library card is needed for tutoring services.


A group of educational websites with over 1,000 cross curricular short animated movies for students in grades k-12, together with quizzes, supplemental information and related materials,

Access through the Student Toolbox or Directly at

Students and classroom teachers access through Clever

Non-classroom teacher staff can request an Educator Code to create an educator account

Limited access available through generic login:

Generic staff Username/Password for most K-8th grade schools:

Username: bp0+(school/site number) Password: brainpop

or contact

Biographies, photos, games and geographical information about cultures and countries around the world and States in the US

IP address authenticated within MPS

remote password:

Username: mpsstudent Password: mpsstudent


Various STEM activities and lessons based on careers and realistic scenarios

Access through the MPS Student Toolbox. Clever integrated.

Use Google ID

Discovery Education: Thousands of full-length videos segmented into 71,000 content-specific clips tied directly to state and national standards. Teachers can download concept-level video clips, virtual labs, interactives, audio files, print materials and lesson plans.

Access through the Student Toolbox. Use your Google account login information.

Kid’s Seach. Research articles and periodical databases with language translation

Access through BadgerLink or the Student Toolbox - Public Library card may be needed for access


Database of animated rap videos addressing K-12 content in various subject areas. Each highly engaging video includes the lyrics, a list of related vocabulary, and an accompanying activity.

Access through the MPS Student Toolbox. Clever integrated.

Use Google ID

If Clever Icon is missing, sign in/sign up through

LibraryNow (Milwaukee Public Library)

Books, movies, magazines, games, music downloads, language learning.

Access using your 7-digit MPS Student ID number and 4 digit birth year for PIN.

Contextual information, opinions and views related to a variety of social issues

Access through the MPS Student Toolbox. IP authenticated


Username: (none necessary) Password: mpslibrary

Pebble Go

Curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students. Packed with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy supports.

Access through the MPS Student Toolbox. IP authenticated

Click here to access the PebbleGO admin login for your school

News Currents and Read to Know (current events)

Contains NewsCurrents Online, a discussion-based classroom current events program for kids in grades 3 to 12, and Read to Know, which provides non-fiction reading in a weekly online current events magazine for grades 6 and up.

Access through the MPS Student Toolbox.

Username: mpsk12 Password: ncr2k


Access through the Student Toolbox or directly at

Integrated with Clever (log in with Google ID)

SIRS Discoverer and Researcher from ProQuest

Access through the Student Toolbox

General reference database for elementary and middle school students and educators covering curriculum areas content sets such as reading, language arts, current events, science, social studies, history, health and technology.

Username: mpsstudent Password: mpsstudent

When outside of MPS, your home address may be recognized as a Wisconsin IP address and will result in automatic authentication.

If your computer is not automatically recognized, navigate to

Username: milwps

Password: milwps

Educators can register within the website using their MPS email for additional features

World Book Early World of Learning, Kids, Discover & Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos

Primary through Middle School and Spanish versions of World Book Encyclopedia

Access through the MPS Student Toolbox. IP authenticated

Off site: Access through

User name: mps Password: mps