Mini Lessons on Race/Discipline

Mini Lessons on Race and Discipline

Minutes must be submitted online. Schools must have two meetings a month, with one meeting discussing student concerns and recommendations with discipline and climate and the other meeting on a topic of race, discipline, or student selected topic. 

Lessons below are NOT limited to Student Discipline Committees. Could be used with homeroom, advisory, or another class setting. 

Required topic: 

Each month one of the Student Discipline Committee meetings must cover recommendations for school or district practices and policies. 

Community Building

Various activities

Additional Ideas from Orange County Department of Education

Physical Activity Breaks (MPS Ropes & Challenges)

Additional activities from MPS Ropes & Challenges

MPS Violence Prevention Program- Community Building Activities

Pear Deck & Canva Templates

Facing History & Ourselves Pear Deck for first days of school

Additional Ideas

Based on feedback from students wanting to have discussions on race and discipline, the following mini lessons have been created to be used during Student Discipline Committees. Additional lessons and resources will be added as we continue to gather student input.

Race/ Social Issues Lessons:

COVID-19 Experiences (Pear Deck lesson)

Millwaukee  and MPS Segregation (Pear Deck Lesson)

MIlwaukee's History of Redlining (Pear Deck Lesson)

What is equity?

Transportation and Race (Pear Deck Lesson)

Environmental Racism

Milwaukee/WI Incarceration (Pear Deck Lesson)

America's history with protests (Pear Deck Lesson)

Root Causes of Police Violence

History of racist monuments (Pear Deck lesson)

Forgotten Events of History (Pear Deck lesson)

Systemic racism in medical outcomes

Microaggressions  (Pear Deck lesson)

Using social media for social justice issues

Voter Suppression (Pear Deck Lesson)

Election 2020

Police Brutality and Protesting Pear Deck Lesson

Black Lives Matter Pear Deck Lesson

Student Voice Comic (Christian Cooper)

Student discussion on violence

Student Equity Graphic


The dangers of labeling others

Defining stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination 

Bystander Effect

Lessons from other sources:

PBS Learning Media Lessons

Discipline/Graduation Lessons

Student Code of Conduct     (Pear Deck Lesson)

Suspension Due Process (Pear Deck lesson)

Administrative Policy 8.51 and 8.37 (cell phone and scanning) (Pear Deck Lesson)

Administrative Policy 7.33 and 7.37 (grading and graduation requirements) (Pear Deck lesson)

Defining behaviors (Pear Deck lesson)

Student Bill of Rights and Nondiscrimination Policy (Pear Deck lesson)

College Requirements

Do suspensions work? (Pear Deck Lesson)

How can we promote attendance? (Pear Deck slides)

Pear Deck Slides

These templates are Pear Deck and can be used as Pear Deck interactive slides or traditional Google Slides/Power Points.  Here is a video showing the process of downloading and using the Pear Deck versions.  Pear Deck also has a variety of videos to help you if interested.  You download/copy slides into your Google Drive and then you can edit and use however you would like.


Frontline: Violence Interrupters

Soul of a Nation (ABC)- a unique window into the realities of Black life

Coded Bias (now on Netflix)

Humanize My Hoodie

White Like Me (Time Wise) (or on Vialogues)

Remembering Bronzeville 

Kalief Browder Story (Netflix mini series)

13th Documentary (Netflix)

When they See Us (Netflix mini series)

Disrupt & Dismantle (BET- exploring the inequalities Black communities face and actions need to be taken)

Bibi (18 minute film on intersectionality from Learning for Justice)- with lesson plans provided

Homeroom  (Hulu)- covering student engagement with district leadership in Oakland

Civil War: Or, who do we think we are? (free on Peacock)

Who We Are: a chronicle of racism in America