Milton Public Schools

PS-12 Fine & Performing Arts


At Milton Public Schools, we strive to support all our students to develop their artistic abilities in a way that allows them to create original works that align with the artist's intent. Our students are encouraged to present and perform their artistic works for others, respond to the structure and context of artistic works, and make connections about the impact of the arts on oneself, history, and culture. We believe that by engaging our students in fine and performing arts experiences, we help to instill a lifelong appreciation and understanding of the arts.  All students will become skilled in the four components of the creative process as outlined by the National Standards for the Arts. 

Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Refine and complete artistic work.

Performing, Presenting, and Producing
Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. 

Taking risks & wExpressing Personal Feelings and Emotions

Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Listening and seeing critically and discriminating qualitatively
Understanding how the arts evoke feelings, meanings, and images

Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
Recognizing and appreciating a wide variety of styles and genres 

Our approach is to build a solid foundation of knowledge, skills, and understanding of artistic practices while fostering cooperative skills necessary for collective artistic expression. We aim to develop skills that are transferable to all areas of life, including self-discipline, perseverance, teamwork, empathy, and curiosity. By doing this, we empower our students to make cultural connections and gain a greater appreciation and understanding of differing points of view.

What We Do

Elementary Schools

At the elementary level, all students participate in music and art classes. Classes are once a week for 45 minutes. Students who love visual art have the opportunity to do extra art enrichment through the ACE program. Students who are interested in learning an instrument have the opportunity to take lessons through the ALP program and, once they reach the required proficiency level, they may join the elementary band or orchestra.

Pierce Middle School

At the middle school level, students may choose to take visual art and general music electives. These classes meet every other day for half a year. Students also have the opportunity to join one of our core music ensembles, Chorus, Orchestra, and Band, meeting every other day for the entire year.  Jazz Band and Chamber Orchestra are extra-curricular performing ensembles providing all students the opportunity to delve into more challenging repertoire.  Students who love theatre may participate in the annual musical.

Milton High School

At the high school level, students may choose from many visual art and general music electives. 

The Visual Art Department offers classes for all students: Foundations of Art, Digital Photography & Graphic Design, Visual Literacy, and Unified Arts. In addition, we offer Advanced Studio Art, Ceramics & Sculpture, and Drawing & Painting. For students who wish to pursue visual art in college and career, they may create pathways consisting of several of these classes and culminating in Advanced Art and AP Studio Art. Students who follow this visual art pathway will leave Milton High with completed portfolios and prepared for success in art school and beyond. 

The Music department offers classes such as Guitar, Piano Lab, Modern Band ,and Unified Music,  in addition to the core ensembles, Band, Jazz Band, Orchestra, and Chorus. Music students may create pathways using a combination of these classes culminating in AP Music Theory to prepare them for college and career. In addition to the core ensembles, students have the opportunity to delve deeper with ensembles such as Marching Band, Chamber Ensemble, and After-School Singers.  

Students interested in the theatre may participate in various plays and theatre workshops as well as the annual after-school musical.