Visual Literacy II honors

VISUAL LITERACY II Honors 80417 Unleveled 80017

2.5 credits

Prerequisites: Visual Literacy I

Visual Literacy I is a prerequisite for this course. This half year course will continue to expand students' knowledge of film production and connect these concepts to other media including web, television, video games and advertising. It is intended to give students a comprehensive look at the visual world they live in so that they can better understand, interpret, and engage with that which surrounds them. Students will focus on special topics (see special topics schedule below for next year's offerings) which rotate yearly allowing students to take the course up to three times.

2022-2023: Sound Design, Editing

This year students will focus on how soundtrack and sound design contribute to the emotional and intellectual points the filmmaker is making. In Editing the class will focus on the history of editing, along with learning the practical techniques filmmakers use to make editing invisible or speak loudly along.

2023-2024: Set/ Costume, Story

This year students will focus on how filmmakers create authentic worlds using set and costume. We will analyze how sets and costumes can be used expressively to reveal a character’s inner world. In Story we will focus on the shape of the narrative and visual figurative comparisons.