Drama I, II

DRAMA I, II Unleveled I 10007, II 10008

2.5 credits

Drama I is an introductory course for the dramatic arts. Students learn the fundamentals of acting. They are exposed to a variety of methods for experimentation with vocals and body movements. Scene study provides them with an arena to investigate characterization and production techniques. The basics of theatre history, technical theatre and the production process are also explored. Students will perform in class and have to memorize one performance piece per quarter.

Students may elect this course for a second semester of increasingly more intensive focus on craft and revision, with the ultimate goal of producing publishable work, for an additional 2.5 credits. In Drama II, students complete advanced scene study and develop characterization technique. Audition techniques, improvisation, and technical theatre skills are an area of continued study. Additionally, the craft of playwriting is introduced and explored. This class requires memorization of contrasting monologues, duet scenes, and other performance selections.