Culinary Arts I

CULINARY ARTS I Unleveled 60007

2.5 credits

This course introduces the basic principles of sanitation and safety related to the hospitality industry, food service nutrition, menu design, culinary skills 1, food science and baking 1. Topics include personal hygiene, sanitation and safety regulations, use and care of equipment, the principles of food borne illness, allergy awareness, personal nutrition fundamentals, weight management, healthy cooking techniques, buffet set-up, profitability, basic cookery, recipe conversion, measurements, terminology, classical knife cuts, flavorings/seasonings, sauces, heat transfer and its effect on color/flavor/texture, emulsification, leavening agents, pastry dough, batter, pies, custards, cakes, cookies, icings, glazes. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of these principles and show basic proficiency as they apply their knowledge to food preparation in an experimental laboratory setting, along with the content necessary for successful completion of a nationally recognized food/safety/sanitation exam. The course is enhanced through lab work, and guest speakers