ROUND 1: How many hidden words can you find in INTERGENERACIONALMENTE? There are at least 120!

Use letters only once. The one-letter words a, o and e do not count. Accents can come and go but n can't be ñ.

ROUND 2: How many hidden words can you find in INCOMPREHENSIBILIDAD ? There are at least 120!

Use letters only once. The one-letter words a, o and e do not count. Accents can come and go but n can't be ñ.

ROUND 3: How many hidden words can you find in CONTRARREVOLUCIONARIO? There are at least 120!

Use letters only once. The one-letter words a, o and e do not count. Accents can come and go but n can't be ñ.

ROUND 4: How many hidden words can you find in BIENINTENCIONADOS? There are at least 120!

Use letters only once. The one-letter words a, o and e do not count. Accents can come and go but n can't be ñ.