Letter from the Principal

Dear Incoming Kindergarten Families,

On behalf of our Kindergarten teachers and staff, I wish to extend a warm welcome to each of you! We are excited for the fall of 2025 and look forward to meeting our newest CFB community members. 

The Clyde F. Brown School is a warm and welcoming place to learn and grow.  Our Kindergarten teachers are committed to providing a nurturing and rigorous academic, social and emotional learning experience for our students.  Kindergarten teachers offer various learning experiences, including direct instruction, small-group learning activities, independent tasks, and social play opportunities.  These experiences are designed to create a sense of wonder, encourage exploration, and foster academic and social development. 

It will be time for kindergarten to begin sooner than you may realize.  Take the time to read aloud to your child each day to help foster a love of reading in your child.  Play games with letters and sounds, make up silly rhymes for fun, practice counting to 10 along with counting objects.  A secure knowledge of these pre-kindergarten skills will lay the foundation for future academic success.  In addition,  you will cherish the memories you make with your child for a lifetime. 


Tanna Jango

Clyde F. Brown
