MLA Citation Information

Give credit where credit is due. Always use proper MLA or APA format for research and cite your sources!


(you will need to access NoodleTools through the VRC)

Creating a Works Cited page

  1. The “Works Cited” is the last page of your report or project and is on a page all by itself.

  2. Center the word “Works Cited” on the top line of the page and underline.

  3. To complete the Works Cited page for your project or research paper, take all the works cited entries and place them in alphabetical order using the first word of each entry. If you have two entries with the same first word, continue to go through those entries until alphabetically one comes first. Always drop the words “the”, “a”, or “an” from a title when alphabetizing.

  4. Single space each entry but double space between each new entry.

  5. The first line of each works cited entry starts on the left margin. If you need to go to more than one line, each additional line is indented to start about 5 spaces in (first tab on the computer) or type the whole entry, highlight the whole entry and press Control+T.

  6. Attach your works cited as the last page of your project paper.