P1 & P1/2 Celebration Day

We created our very own bear just like the one in 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen using a variety of materials. We used different fabrics and textured paper, our bears were amazing!

TeePee Time

We had so much fun reading 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen inside the teepee kindly constructed by Miss Hutcheson. We were surprised at just how warm and bright it was inside!

Rolling, rolling, rolling through the swishy swashy grass!

Just like the story - we can't go over it, we can't go under it, we'll just have to go through it!

squelchy mud, pebbles and water!

What interesting words and phrases we used to describe the feeling of the mud, pebbles and water between our toes!

more mud, stones and water!

Class Photo

Hello everyone, tomorrow we will be getting our class photograph taken. Remember to bring those big smiles to school!

What We'll Build! A cosy fire.

Today we had so much fun watching and listening to the P7 Outdoor Learning Prefects and Miss Hutcheson showing us how to make a fire safely. Together we followed all the Fire Safety rules to toast yummy marshmallows. Primary one listened really carefully and really enjoyed the warmth of the fire just like the little girl and her father in our story. More Text to Self Connections made today! A big thank you again to the primary sevens and Miss Hutcheson. :o)

Creative Colours Day

A wee reminder that Thursday is our creative colours day to round off the term with a celebration of achievement and the birthdays of the past term. Children can come to school dressed as colourfully as they choose; we’ll also have some crispy cakes for all made by our head cook – thank you! Please remember that we are now fundraising along with the Parent Council for Block Play – a fantastic resource for all our children from nursery to P7 at the school. We would be grateful for any contributions towards this on the day. Thank you!

Primary 1 mol

What We'll Build

Primary one loved having Clelland coming to visit to tell us all about the tools he uses to help keep us safe here at MOL. He showed us all the safety features from clothing to multiple guards and switches on saws. We really enjoyed trying on the safety boots and trousers and feeling the weight of the tools. We saw many of the tools in the book 'What We'll Build' by Oliver Jeffers, making Text to Self connections.

World Book Day 2021

Christmas Lunch

Primary 1 had a fantastic Christmas Lunch on Friday. A huge thank you to all the kitchen staff - just look at all those smiling faces in our amazing Christmas Jumpers.

ordering photographs

Today is the last day to order your photographs through the school office!

November Birthdays

Today we celebrated November birthdays for these three superstars. Don't they look amazing! A big thank you to the kitchen staff for the amazing shortbread biscuits.

christmas dinner

Please remember to let us know by 12.00pm tomorrow (Monday 30/11/20) if your child is planning to have Christmas dinner on Friday 11th December, by completing the form on the link on the main school blog if you haven't already done so. We need to place order tomorrow and so would ask that you let us know no later than 12.00pm tomorrow. Thank you!


If you wish to order your photographs through the school office, please hand in your envelope before Friday 27th November 2020.

Individual Photographs

The photographer will be in school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (November 4th, 5th and 6th) for individual photos of pupils. Nursery pictures will take place on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th November. The photos will be taken indoors but in line with the authority requirements, only individual pictures will be taken at this stage. Thank you

Happy Hallowe'en

Just look at our amazing pumpkins! We safely used different tools to make holes, scoop out the seeds and saw the pumpkin skin to make these perfect, pumpkin designs.

Autumn Dress Down Day and Birthday Celebrations!

Term 2 Week 1

We've been super busy this week after our October holidays investigating Food and Textile Technologies for Hallowe'en. We have demonstrated creativity, design, dexterity and problem solving.

First we designed and glued paper pumpkins, next there was lots of scooping and carving using different utensils and then we made and played with webs.

Family Gallery

This week we will be sharing and celebrating our families. It would be great if you could take in a photo of your family for our gallery wall.

Sequencing stories

Together we voted which story we would read this week and the winner was The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Our focus was to include the sequencing language - First, Next and Finally. The story spoons were very popular to help us retell the story and draw our story maps. Ask your child to re-tell the story to you.

Who did it?

What happened? Who was it? So many questions! An incident occurred in the classroom and primary one investigated by following the clues. We are fairly confident it was Cat in the Hat who made the mess.

Investigating patterns and Numicon

We have been talking about colour, shape, patterns, size and position with the Numicon Baseboards and Numicon Shapes. We used our knowledge to make pictures and play board games.