Primary 6

Welcome to P6 blog for 2020/2021! Please check this on a regular basis, as we will be using this site to share our learning, along with key information and reminders.

Hope you enjoy having a look through our photos :-)


A big welcome back after the October holidays and what a great first week back! We welcomed a lovely new pupil to the class, Abby, who has had a fabulous first week and settled in so well! We started our IDL focus of Space, learning about the different layers of the Earth.

Christmas Party!

P6 had a great time at their Christmas party! Lots of dancing, games and fun was had by all! They did some fabuous dance routines, one of which they learnt in PE! We will be having our party snacks when we watch the Cinderella panto on Friday the 18th! Looking forward to a the last few day of term with lots of fun activities and hopefully a Chrismas movie!

Christmas Dinner Photos!

P6 loved their Christmas dinner and a big thanks to the Canteen ladies who did a fabulous job. The P6 pupils created some amazing table cloths for the tables which everyone enjoyed!

Space Art

P6 created some fabulous pieces of rocket art working in partners! They also made their own mini rockets which they tested and measured the distance of how far they travelled! Hope you enjoy the photos!

Miss Coe

DRESS up day Thursday 19th november!

Weeks 2 & 3 - Learning and Photos

What a fabulous couple of weeks we have had learning about Our Planet! Some fabulous art work based on the layers of the Earth, digital Tinkercad rockets, Big bang art which was created on the Chromebooks and some fabulous numeracy (space themed) board games!

We have been trying to get outside as much as possible to play class games and will be using the outdoor space for our measure in numeracy.

We will be moving on to Multiplication and Division shortly so keep practising your times tables at home! Next Thursday (19th November) we have our Space Themed Dress down day which should be lots of fun!

Please have a look at some of our fabulous work we have been doing in school!

We are definitely very engaged with the topic of Space and have been loving learning about all the different areas!

More about Space Travel next week!


Please see the whole school IDL grid and note containing various link, inlcuding to our assembly powerpoint.

P6 have already been allocated a separate grid in their Google Classroom which is linked to their learning in school for that week. The whole school grid is OPTIONAL as is merely here for reference if there are younger sibblings in the school that are using it.

Our Place in Space
Our Place in Space for Parents

Week 5

What a fabulous Week P6 have had! It has been great to get into our numeracy and literacy groups this week, working on our Additon and Subtraction strategies.

We wrote character desriptions this week, really focusing on using lots of adjectives, verbs, adverbs and thinking about the personailty of our characters.

We have been using our Chromebooks to carry out reasearch about Sri Lanka, as this is where our class novel (The Girl Who Stole an Elephant) is set. It has been great to see the learning about a new country. We also did a whole class kahoot to test our rounding to the nearest 10 and 100!

After the September break we will be spending more time on our Chromebooks and learning about how to stay safe online.

I hope you all have a lovely long weekend and will update again soon.

Miss Coe

A reminder that tomorrow everyone can come to school wearing any colours they want to 'show their emotions'. This is part of our health and well-being focus where we're been thinking about feelings, friendships and being kind. This learning is helping us as we settle into school routines and being back in school together again. We look forward to seeing everyone in their different colours and being able to describe what the colours represent to them. Please ask your child to let them know what they have learnt in class and from our assembly on Monday, including the stories we shared - The Colour Monster, The Huge Bag of Worries, and a short Inside Out clip.

STEM Bridge building in P6

In Week 2 the P6 pupils worked together to design and create the most sturdy and stable bridge between 2 chairs. They had to use communication skills, co-operation and all have a role within the task. The winning team's bridge could hold 9 books!

Outdoor Games & Scavenger Hunt

We have been utilising the Outdoor space over the first 2 weeks, playing games, taking part in a numeracy & literacy and photography scavenger hunt and having lots of fun with our friends!

Health & Wellbeing Drama

Our focus this term in on Health and Wellbeing, learning about honesty, kindness, who we can talk to and trust, fairness, recognising differences, to name but a few. These are photos of some of the drama sketches the children made up about being honest.