High School

Summer Work


The history department encourages historical reading for summer work; our 9 AP courses each individually give the work for the summer to the registered classes via Google classroom.


Summer assignments correlate with the AP courses. The AP science teachers distribute the assignments directly to the students who are enrolled either through a Google classroom or via email links. 


The MHS English Department is happy to provide summer reading suggestions at this link: MHS Summer Reading 2023.

AP Assignments are posted on Google classrooms for AP Lit and AP Lang respectively. 

Please see additional summer reading suggestions by the library/media specialists. Happy reading!

World Languages

Summer assignments are posted on Google Classroom for each AP course.

After receiving their rosters, AP teachers will email the classroom codes to students.


AP Summer Assignments are posted via one Google Classroom per AP course.  Once AP teachers receive the lists of who’s in each AP course, they will email the GC code to each student to access the summer assignment.


AP coursework distributed to students.


AP coursework distributed through links.  Creativity upkeep will be shared with students.

Some Summer Projects to Keep Your Creative Juices Flowing: